Chapter 5~

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"Okay, I'll come in in a sec." He winked and walked into his room again. I was genuinly quite concerned as to why he was taking to long, so I just went into my dorm. My laptop was under my bed, I got it and turned it on. I planned on having a movie night with him or something.

Sasuke walked though the door with a suitcase. He had a hint of lust and love in his eyes. I smiled at him then ran up to him. Wrapping my arms around him and pecking his lips lightly.

"I'll save everhthing for another night." He said, I smiled and he put the suitcase at the end of my bed.

"Pick something to watch." I chirped back, walking into the bathroom with my pyjamas. He nodded and started looking through the films on my laptop.

I walked out of the bathroom in black boxer-like shorts and an orange t-shirt.

He went into the bathroom and I looked to see what film he had chose, Chucky. Lord help me! I'm gonna get so scared...

He walked out with just black shorts, shirtless. His toned abs almost mafe me dribble.

I loaded up the film and we got comfortable on my bed.

Time skip~

I jumped slightly and Sasuke must have noticed judging by his next move. Which was pulling me onto his lap and cradling me like a baby. Not gonna lie, I liked it.

He began kissing me roughly, shoving his tongue into my mouth. Before I knew it, he was on top of me. I looked to the side embarrased, a light shade of pink crossing my cheeks.

He bit into my neck and licked it, making me moan and squeel in pleasure. I covered my mouth with my hand, but Sasuke interlocked my fingers with his and pulled them above my head.

Time skip~

I opened my eyes and looked around me, I was in my bed. But I was naked, as was Sasuke. And I was sleeping on Sasuke's chest, the bedsheegs were slightly damp and the room smelt of sex.

"My Naru..." Sasuke said realising I was now awake. I smiled and nodded.

I loved him.

I still do.

I wont ever stop.

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