Chapter 1~

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((HELLO!! ^-^ I have to give some credit to mollymckinlay. A lovely love xD))
-Naru POV-


I woke up to the innturupting, loud screeching of my alarm. Fumbling for my phone benieth my pillow, I heard Gaara. We shared a dorm.

"Morning Naru!" He said energetically. Already dressed and awake.

"Morning..." I groaned as I got my phone and turned off the alarm.

I crawled out of my bed and over to my wardrobe. Meanwhile, Gaara was watching anime on his laptop. Typical Gaara.

I picked out some orange skinny jeans and a black, oversized t-shirt.

As I gazed into the mirror at myself, which was located in the bathroom, I noticed my eyebags. Unfortunately, Gaara and I have the dorm next to Suigetsu and Sasuke. We hear them. Everynight...

Anyway, I got changed into my closed and put on my scruffy converse. Despite my style of clothing, I was still the nerd.

"Ready to go?" Gaara smiled, his plain, black backpack on his back.

"Almost." I said as I walked over to my dresser and got my necklace. I placed it around my neck, and noticed Gaara had his gourd pendant on aswell. I grabbed my shoulder bag, which had L from Death Note on, and slugged it over my shoulder. I checked I had all my books, as did Gaara.

We walked out into the hall and began walking down it. Suigetsu and Sasuke followed behind us and giggled. Gaara and I sped up as we now ran down the stairs and into the dining hall. Most people already there.

Sasuke and Suigetsu sat at the popular table, fangirls and fanboys surrounding him, meanwhile, Gaara and I sat alone. On our own table. The Akatsuki also had their own table.

I decided to just get some toast this particular morning, Gaara got some cereal.

"Naru, why do you keep staring over at Sasuke?" Gaara asked. I snapped out of my daydream.

"W- what?" I replied.

"You like him don't you?" Gaara smirked and gave that look that said 'dont-deny-it-you-do.' I blushed,


Gaara and I decided we would wait for the doors of the school to open, we walked out of the dorms building and waited outside the school.

Not soon after, more people joined. Sasuke and Suigetsu had an intense make-out session, feeding all the fans.

It made me sick. Why does Sasuke like that bastard? Why not me? Oh yeah, that's right, I'm a clumsy,  nerdy, geeky, and an over all awqward person.

The school doors opened, and Gaara shook me from my day dream and staring.

I walked into the school, preparing for all the bullies, hate, and anything that would come my way. I expected everything. I just never gave a fuck. Not anymore. Why should I? Why should I care? I get pushed around constantly. Why should I have a life, or care what happens to me anymore? According to everyone I'm a monster, freak of nature, nerd.... the list goes on. I entered the school with little hope and faith that I would make it out without crying.

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