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How can someone be like you?
So sure, so pure, so honest
Everyone wants to be you
Or be with you instead

All the stars in the galaxy couldn't compare to you
Your Luminescence lights up the world around you
Yet you don't seem to notice
You float above everything
In your own world
That everyone yearns to be a part of

If you could only see the affect you have on people
I'm sure you would beam with pride
You influence everyone without intending to
Your voice is sweeter than honey
Your grace is that of a swan
You're the picture of perfection
But you don't see it

All the stars in the galaxy couldn't compare to you
Your Luminescence lights up the world around you
Yet you don't seem to notice
You float above everything
In your own world
That everyone yearns to be a part of

I long to be in your world
The one full of hope and wonder
The one that makes you so kind and caring
Maybe it will make me that way too
Just a minute in your world is all I ask for

All the stars in the galaxy couldn't compare to you
Your Luminescence lights up the world around you
Yet you don't seem to notice
You float above everything
In your own world
That everyone yearns to be a part of
Let someone in, show them how you do it
Or is it unachievable
And simply an ode to your flawless character?


I think this is one of my favorites that I've written so far. I enjoy using vocabulary because I'm strange so this is one that I'm quite proud of.

Let me know what you think please!

I hope you all are doing well :)



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