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*Later, Lincoln could hear Terra screaming at his former family. He could tell that she wasn't very happy with them at all. Ronnie Anne also heard it too and as guilty as Lincoln did. As Terra came into the room, she was still yelling at the rest of the Louds, except for Lily.*


*She then slammed the door and walked up to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne.*

Lincoln: Terra...... I...... I didn't mean to......!

Terra: I know you didn't, Lincoln.

Ronnie Anne: I should've helped Lori after Bobby cheated on her and........!

Terra: Ronnie Anne, it's okay...... however, I am very disappointed in you two........!

Lincoln: We know...........! We abandoned her.........! We gave up on her when deep down, she was crying for our help.

Ronnie Anne: Are we banned too.......?!

Terra: No..... but I will suspend you two until Luan can move on. I'm sorry I have to do it, but she needs some space. Plus, Lily needs you.

Lincoln: We understand........!

Ronnie Anne: It was our fault in the first place........! In fact....... IT'S ALL MY IDIOT BROTHER'S FAULT!!!!!!!!!!

Lincoln: Ronnie...... calm down. I hate him too, but losing your temper will make it worse........! *to Terra* Will Luan invite us to the funeral?

Terra: I don't know, okay?! Luan is still upset after what happened to Lori. If she doesn't invite you to the funeral, I hope you understand, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Of course, Terra.......! If she does and I don't show up...... please tell her I'm sorry.........!

Terra: I will, Lincoln! Don't worry!

*As Terra walked out, she saw Luan sitting in the lobby, crying her eyes and heart out.*

Terra: Oh, Luan, come here.......! *She hugged her* I'm so sorry for your loss.

Luan:*sobbing* She's gone...... Terra.......! She's never coming back........ and I turned my back on her.......!

Terra:*shushing her* You didn't mean to, Luan.........! It was your former family and Casagrandes. They influenced you........! I'm sure Lori knows you didn't mean it.........!

*Terra then took Luan to her red rental 2016 Jeep Cherokee and they drove away from the hospital.*

Note: Next chapter will be the funeral. It will be sad.

Lori's Funeral Where stories live. Discover now