Chapter 25

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"Okay, all good," Kirsten told the store clerk. "Please deliver it by today. Oh, and don't forget the greeting card. Thanks."

After the store clerk took away the guitar she had purchased and the delivery form that had been filled, she turned to Kyle beside her who was busy scrolling through his phone. It made her happy how they had accidentally run into each other today and now she thought they could stay good friends.

"Oh, here, take a look!" he said excitedly as he showed his phone screen to her. "Jimi Hendrix's Black Beauty. 1968 Fender Stratocaster. My dream guitar."

Leaning in to see it better, Kirsten saw a picture of a guitar which looked quite familiar with black finish, white pickguard and a maple neck. Then, she remembered a photo of her father with that very guitar from a few years back. "Hey, my dad got a pict—"

A text notification appearing on his phone suddenly distracted her.

A text notification appearing on his phone suddenly distracted her

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Kyle whisked his phone away from her, taking a step back. A thick awkwardness swooshed in right away. Kirsten watched him staring at his phone screen with knitted brows, the expression on his face changing. Breathing out a heavy sigh, he typed something on his phone.

"Kyle..." she called cautiously, cocking her head. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah..." he stuttered, faking a little laugh. "I- I'm fine. It's fine."

"Was it her?"

With his Adam's apple bobbing, Kyle replied in a low voice, "Yes. She just cancelled."

"Did she tell you why?"

"Well, she said the traffic's really bad and she asked to meet another time." Suddenly, a ding was heard from his phone again, he raised it to his eyes then read out loud, "And 'I'm really sorry,' she said."

Kirsten looked at him with pity eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Shamming a smile for one more time, Kyle waved dismissively. "Nah, don't be. I'm fine." But it just made him look more miserable instead.

When Kirsten checked her watch, the time showed it was 7:20 PM. She really didn't want to leave Kyle alone like this, but she needed to catch the train back to New York before it got late. "Kyle, I really hate to do this right now, but I should get going now. I don't want to miss the train. Are you okay... being on your own?"

"You know what, what the hell. Let me drive you."

"No, no, thanks. I'm good." She offered him a smile. "Oh, and thank you for helping me today. I owe you one."

"Relax. Oh, but a dinner tonight will do. Say, how about we go to the diner not far from here? I hear they serve really good hamburgers."

Kirsten was hesitant to respond. It would be impolite to reject his offer after his help today. On the other hand, she didn't know what to say to Liam if she went to dinner with Kyle. But, then again, she couldn't just turn him down after the girl of his dreams had just stood him up. The clock was ticking and Kyle was waiting for her answer. What should she say to him?

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