-The end-

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Third person POV: 4 months later

"COME ON MAN" Azzy yelled as her water broke she was rushing Rylan to come on cause he just woke up she could care less the way these contractions was hittin.

"Baby I'm coming I called Rio he coming over to watch Noelle she still sleep" He told her while she nodded and breathed like them people told her to while Rylan guided her towards the car door while Rio was jus pulllin up with his bonnet on and ah blanket on.

"Thanks man" he told him as he yawned and said "good luck" as headed in the house.

They got in the car with the baby overnight bag and some clothes for themselves. They were going to take Noelle but she had a long night and they didn't want to disturb her.

"You ok baby?" Rylan asked as he comforted her the best way he knew how by rubbing her thigh.

She breathed in and out while nodding "yeah I'm okay they not that bad" she said as they continued driving.


"Alright ma'am I'm just going to check how many centimeters you are dilated" The nice friendly nurse asked her as she put ah glove on and checked her cervix.

"Looks like you are 3 centimeters dilated already!" The nurse exclaimed while throwing the glove away and putting some hand sanitizer on.

"So we can give you and epidural when you are four to five centimeters" The nurse informed Azzy while Rylan was making himself comfy on the couch and listening.

Azzy nodded her head "Are my contractions supposed to feel like this?" She asks as the nurse corked her eyebrow "how do they feel?" She asked her back.

"I can feel them but there not as sever as everyone says there are they are more like light period cramps" Azzy chatted to the nurse and the nurse nodded her head "well looks like having a natural birth won't be a problem for you" The nurse smiled at her "the way your dilating and how your contractions are this should be a smooth birth for you!" She told Azzy happily.

"Ok well then I don't want an epidural" Azzy told the nurse and she nodded and grabbed her clip board "okay I'll be back to check on you in about an hour" The nurse nodded at the both of them and left closing the door behind them.

"Looks like the baby isn't giving mommy a hard time" Rylan mugged her stomach and came closer "I told you too when mommy was sleeping you not listening already" He said making Azzy hit him on his arm.

"Don't say that" she rubbed her stomach "you doing the right thing baby don't stress" She said to her big stomach as she felt her self falling asleep.


"I like Simmons" booka said to Azzy making her grimace "fine we'll use my last name then" they both nodded agreeing on the baby name.

"Alright looks like you have moved up you are now 7 centimeters dilated" the female nurse that was in here before told her.

They've been in the hospital for 7 hours now cause the baby didn't want to move from 5 centimeters so Azaray was more than happy to here she was pushed up some centimeters.

"It's about time!" Azzy said switching on the other side to face Rylan.

The nurse giggled "so we have new interns and they are here to learn would you like to help them?" The nurse asked as Azzy scrunched up her face "Elaborate more please" the nurse nodded.

"Basically they'll come in and help you with your birth" She said making Azzy nod her head "if my baby don't come out right I'm suin" she told the nurse dead seriously as the nurse nodded and turned around and exited.

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