Chapter III: Glimpse of Memories

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Boruto POV:

"Hello?" Anybody here?

I spoke... Finding myself in a white room with no doors nor windows, that made me flinch in fear a little bit... It was a room that seemed to be too wide, calling it a never ending place would be an understatement.

As I was about to yell out for help once more, a video flashed just right in front of me... It's content were about me and a certain midnight haired girl...
I watched the film quietly, while trying to figure out the identity of the raven haired toddler.

"She seems Familliar..."

I said in a whispering kind of voice... She looked undoubtedly similar to my neighbor... But I immediatly brushed the Idea of thinking it was impossible... I started paying more attention to the little toddlers playing as I stared to the screen...


"What do you want baka?"

"I found 2 Necklaces In this cereal box, see?!"

"Cool!! Can I see them??"

"Of course, In fact , you can have this black one that is shaped like a moon! Since it resembles your onyx eyes!!"

"Oooooo~~ It will be like friendship necklaces!!!"

Those necklaces... I have one of them...

As the boy was about to speak, I heard a loud noise, that got me back to reality....

"A dream..."

"Good morning oni-chan!"

"Morning to you too Hima..."

I said quite coldly...

"Breakfast is ready, come down stairs when your dressed up for school"

"Sure Hima! I'll be right there!"

As I Finished Taking my 10 minutes long shower, a part of me wanted to wear the special necklace that I have kept in a small red box for years...

So I did...

Sarada POV:

I had this weird dream last night... It was about two toddlers playing with each other... They bickered a lot, but they seemed inseparable....

I suddenly feel the urge to wear the chain with the black moon pendant...

And so I did...

The necklace was given to me by a former friend... (As mama as said...)
She used to say that we were cats and dogs... But were also very close...

I haven't wore the necklace in years... Almost 5 I think... Trying it on for the first time in years was truly magical, it gave me weird feelings... One that I never knew that I would ever feel... I felt Safe and Comfortable for reasons that I'm not too sure of...

Boruto POV:

I came to school earlier than usual And to my surprise... She was wearing the exact same necklace as the toddler in my dream, sitting in the corner desk, which I now let her have, reading a book about literature...

"Could it be her?"

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