Welcome to the fandom (intro of the book)

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Hello people,

Hope you are doing well today. Just wanted to say a big thank you for clicking on my story and finding the time to read this. Before I start this story I'd like to thank you (yes, you) who is reading my story. It really means a lot to me.

Hope you fall in love with the characters in my story (not all of them. Some of them are going to be annoying as I intended them to be lol) and if you have any questions regarding characters, chapters, storyline or need any writing advice please don't hesitate to contact me on any of my social media that are gonna be listed down below or leave a comment here <3

If you want a specific book written please don't hesitate to comment down below. Would really help me when I have writer's block (which if you didn't know is the most frustrating thing lmao).

The origin of this book

When I used to by books (now I don't. I just read on wattpad or online), I was always looking out for a specific topic and couldn't find it anywhere so I told myself "well if I can't find one I'll make one". And so whilst in my school bus on my way to school, or when I'm trying to sleep my brain would start thinking about this book

Some of the characters in the story truly exist I, just changed their names. For example Ana Huttinger is an updated and maybe better (who knows) version of myself and Alex Huttinger is actually my twin sister's character. The best friend is also me and my sister's dearest friend and I promised to write a book that she's in so here it is. Unfortunately the boyfriends' characters are invented but this is how I imagine my soulmate to be.

Dedication of the book

Firstly to my family who have always supported me no matter what. Secondly to our (me and my sister) best friend which has always been there for us when we needed her. She is the best and from here I give her the biggest hug. Thirdly to my late grandparents who all their life have supported me 

And now that I have said everything let's dive in, shall we? Here we go...... Have a wonderful ride everybody

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