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Our shift ends and TK heads off with his dad. I take Carlos, and he doesn't like it one bit.

"It's okay little one, your daddy'll be back soon," I tell Carlos

Carlos whimpers and I pull him into a hug.

"Hey, we got this and TK'll be back before you know it, okay," I say to Carlos

Carlos looks up at me and nods, I slip a pacifier into his mouth and help him get into my truck. I pick up my phone and call Gracie.

"Judd, you on your way home?"Grace asks

"Yeah, and I have Carlos with me," I tell Grace

"Okay, poor thing must be terrified," Grace says

"He is, but I got in him calmed down a little bit, some warm milk might do him some good when we get home," I explain

"Okay, I got a bottle and a stuffed animal on my way home," Grace says

"Okay, I'm about five minutes from home, I love and I'll see you soon," I say

"Love you to," Grace replies and hangs up

Soon enough I get to my house and get a sleeping Carlos out of my truck and set him on my hip. I gently open the front door and carry Carlos in.

"Hey Gracie," I say quietly and kiss her on the lips

"He asleep?" Grace asks me

At that moment, Carlos yawns and opens his eyes. I lay Carlos down on our couch and Grace turns the t.v. on. I snatch the romote from her and find some Paw Patrol. She glares at me and gets Carlos some milk and the stuffed animal she bought.

"Hey sweetie, do you want some milk?" Grace asks

Carlos nods his head and tentivly takes the stuffed dog from Grace's hand. Grace sits down next to Carlos and he crawls halfway onto her lap so she can feed him. It's a cute sight, it really is and when Carlos has had enough milk, he curls up and goes to sleep. A few hours later TK opens our door and Carlos's face lights up. Carlos ended up waking up about a half hour ago.

"Daddy!" Carlos squeals 

"Hey sweetheart, were you good for Judd and Grace?" TK asks, looking at us

"He was an angel and mainly slept," I reply

"Althoug he does like Paw Patrol an awful lot," Grace adds

"Thanks for watching him, we're gonna get goin'," TK says

"Alright, see ya'll on Monday," I wave as TK and Carlos walk out the door

"That was fun," I tell Grace

"It was, and now I'm going to bed," She replys

I yawn and head that way also.

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