Chapter 3

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(Next morning)


I woke up really early because I want to get home ASAP. I got down from my bed and got my clothes from the nurse. Came back to my room, went to the rest room and took a bath. After taking a bath, I change clothes and went  out of my room.

"Honey, it's only 4:30 in the morning. I thought your best friend will fetch you later" Nurse Jade said to me.

Nurse Jade is the only nurse I know in this hospital because she was the one who helped me when I was just little.

"Don't want to disturb her. I want her to rest because she already took care of me for a week" I said to Nurse Jade.

"Oh... take care honey" Nurse Jade said to me.

I was about to walked out of the hospital when Nurse Jade called me again. Nurse Jade walked to me.

"Here's a knife honey" Nurse Jade gave to me.

"Why do you have a knife?" I asked shocked.

"I keep it incase there will be a thief coming" Nurse Jade whispered.

"I's ok, I know how to fight" I said to Nurse Jade.

"Ok honey just want to be sure that you will be safe" Nurse Jade said keeping the knife away.

"Bye Nurse Jade" I said opening the door.

"Bye honey" Nurse Jade said walking back to the counter.

It was cold and dark outside. I never thought it was this cold but good thing I'm wearing a jacket.

Now where to go? Elizabeth's house or my house? I want to know if she is ok but I have to be careful because of her mom. If I go home I will be alone again and I will get worried about Elizabeth.

Decided to go to Elizabeth's house because I want to know that she is safe. Elizabeth's house has two floors and it has a teris.

I looked up to her room thinking on how to get up there without making a noise and not waking her mom if her mom is still sleeping.

I climbed the tree beside there teris. I opened her door and walked in her room. I sat beside her on her bed.

Watching her sleeping I feel  happy (I know what your thinking that it's creepy and that I'm weird, I'm not ok I just want to that my best friend is ok) because I know that she is safe.Stroking a strand of her hair away from her face.

"I know you can't hear me but I just want to tell you that every hurt that I take is for you" I said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth started to moved a little so I moved quietly so she wouldn't know that I'm here watching her sleeping.

I looked at my watch and I can see that it was already 6:00 in the morning. Anytime soon Elizabeth will wake up to pick me up from the hospital.

I turned off her alarm so she will not wake up and sleep continuosly without getting disturb. I continued to stare at her while sleeping.

I stand up slowly and walked around her room. Never realized how big her room is. She has a lot of books so it's obvious that she is a bookworm. I looked in her table and I can see the ring that I gave her when we were still little kids.

I remember getting in trouble just for that ring but it was worth it.

I was about to sit againbeside her when I heared footsteps from outside. I hid under Elizabeth bed.

I heared the door open so I sneak a peak from under the bed. I saw Elizabeth's mother walked in and checked Elizabeth. She saw that Elizabeth' alarm was off so she plugged it on and left her room.

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