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"Robin, I think there's something going on down there," I looked to where Raven was pointing out her window to see the oil factory was glowing.
So much for a peaceful night with each other. After all, I wasn't expecting to see her much tomorrow.
"Dr Light," I sighed, "Hit the alarm. We can continue to catch up after if you'd like."
"Maybe," She replied as we moved through and headed to the living room.
"Doctor Light's just over there," I said as I pointed out the window once the others had arrived, "Titans go."
We arrived just in time to catch the end of his soliloquy to himself which Raven neatly stopped from becoming truth as she unplugged him from the oil and I threw two disks at him, which he noticed at the last second as he leapt up and over onto the next level as Cyborg shot out his fake sun. I waited until the smoke had cleared and we were all on the ground before my one liner, "You know Dr. Light, for a guy obsessed with illumination, you're not very bright."
"Next time you're looking to steal something you might want to pick a target we can't see from our living room," Raven added on, my influence was definitely wearing off on her.
"Oh, well, um," He didn't have a reply so just moved to attack instead as we jumped out the way and onto attack.
"That's a real pretty light show, but sound packs a bigger punch," Cyborg muttered but then the next thing I know he was launched into the sea.
And then Star was sent flying back, landing heavily on the landing again.
"We need to draw his fire," I said as Beast Boy and I ducked behind some crates.
"You got it," That smirk promised something stupid, "Dude, nice pajamas. Do they glow in the dark?" And I was right.
But it worked as Light started to fire at him as he turned to a Bat.
I quickly got out my Bo staff as I landed behind him, the sound just enough for him to notice as I swung out my staff and he leant back to dodge. And then I was thrown on defence as he got out some sort of light whip and I had to block the hits, only for another staff to be snapped in two.
I swear to god, I liked my staffs. I started to back up as he continued to swing wildly at me until I was at the end where I leapt back over him, kicking out behind as the hit landed, thank you Slade, and he fell forwards as Beast Boy ran past me, turning to a Triceratops just as Light looked back over to be forced to dodge.
I picked up my broken staff, shoving it in my belt to dispose of back at home and jumped back down to land behind him with Star and Beast Boy.
"No one defeats Dr. Light, no one," But he cut off as Raven appeared behind him and he turned to face her as she grew her tentacles.
"Remember me?"
"I'd like to go to jail now please," He said as he turned back to face us.
"All right," I jumped at Cyborgs voice, he must have just gotten back from his swim," The butt-kicking's over and it's almost midnight. Time for donuts, yeah."
I handed over the now cuffed Light to the team as we started to head back, only for me to stop again at Ravens voice, "I'll see you back at the tower."
"But, Raven-" I started but Starfire cut me off, "You do not wish to enjoy the nuts of dough? It is like eating sweet, tiny wheels."
"I just wanna get home before tomorrow comes," She admitted, not turning to look at us as she flew off.
"What's so special about tomorrow?" Beast Boy asked.

We arrived back at the tower after doughnuts and Raven must be in her room, but she wasn't answering the door. Either she was asleep or she didn't want to talk, I had a feeling it was the latter. But I also got a sudden wave of what today was. It's her birthday. Sweet sixteen. I'd always known it was her birthday, but I'd never known how old she was. And what she felt about it, that was fear and despair. Not something that she wanted to share or celebrate.
And apparently I wasn't the only one that figured it out as Beast Boy came rushing into the living room with us, "It's her birthday! We need to do something."
"If she wanted to celebrate she would have said something," I replied as Star and Cy agreed with him.
"Come on Robin, you only have one birthday a year," Beast Boy argued, "And we've never done anything for her before."
"Because she's never wanted anything," I replied.
"Please Robin, let us celebrate the day of our friends birth, I am sure she will be much happier for it," Star begged.
Maybe it would help her, and it would stop the team wondering why I'm so defensive about it.
"Fine," I huffed, "But know I don't think this is a good idea."

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