-Shadow and Bone Teaser Trailer!-

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If you haven't seen the trailer yet, watch it. Right now.  (Because there will be spoilers for the trailer)

A/n: I know this is a little late considering the trailer came out a few days ago, but all i have to say is that i am shooketh. I have no words because I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS TV SHOW.

Even though i said i have no words. Here are some words that i would like to rant to all my very few readers:

-Im worried about the new fans, because if one of them asks for a kanej kiss scene i'm going to plummet them. Without hesitation. 

-That being said since the grishaverse was one of the first fantasy books that I've read and what got me into reading, it's very dear to me, so if anyone goes hating on it i will, like i stated earlier, plummet them into the core of the earth and watch them burn and turn into goo-- 

-And something that angers me is the I was considered a nerd for being absolutely in love with the grishaverse and now ppl are going to be all over it and it's going to be normal

-I'm happy that its coming to screens but i can't help but feel protective over the characters

-idk y but i will be soooo annoyed when girls at my school are like "omg i'm such a kaz simp"

- Something that actually involves the trailer; A few of the shots sort of look like the crows are on a sand skiff in the fold so maybe that's were soc and s&b intertwine???

-Also during the scene where Inej is sliding down the rope thingy I'm pretty sure that that place was the throne room in little palace

-Genya is absolutely AMAZING

-So is Inej and my main girl Alina

-Alina is fucking gorgeous, and the fact that her actor (Jessie Mei Li) is asian makes me so happy

-We will see the shipwreck scene with Matthias and Neeners

-Don't hate me when i say that i might be converting back to a malina stan, bc lets be honest im not sure if i want to go back to that. 

1) Since Archie is playing him thats an extra bonus, and I love that as soon as the casting went out he was already defending Mal on Twitter

2) In the trailer he actually ran after Alina in the coach, and it might just be me but he seems like he cares more about here in the trailer then in the books, because in the books he didn't run after her, (but he was sorta bleeding out so eh)

3) is it just me or did he seem more protective then before

-Anyways moving on. At the same time that I'm going to hate (maybe not hate but just not like (a lot)) the new fans, we need them bc s&b needs views so we can have a second season.

-They're probably going to cast Nikolai, Wylan, Tamar and Tolya this year!!!!!

-One thing that i want to point out is that us OG Grishaverse stans had it all (maybe not "it all" but close enough). Sure, we were the Clownverse™️ for a while but we got to go through the filming process, the excitement and much more that the new fans aren't going to experience 

-And of course all the inside jokes. If shadow fold bad, why sexy?

-Kaz in the fedora looks like Perry the platypus. There i said it.

-Sad that we didn't see any other Zoya content other then her face in the background,  but regardless she was beautiful as always.

-You know the very specific feeling when a very not known song that you absolutely love blows up on tiktok? That's how I'm going to feel once new fans come join us. 

-I'm never going to call Mr. Darkels Sparkles "GeNeRaL kIrGiAn" because who the hell is that? That is a stranger and i will never say that name out loud.

-Also I'm pretty sure that the first guy who got taken away by the volcra was my bby Alexie, RIP 😔

-I swear to god if they don't have Joost in the show(which they probably won't have) i will riot)

Anyways thank you for reading my rant, that is if you're still reading this. Have a good day or night!

Feel free to leave your opinions, concerns, predictions, observations and comments about all this 


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