-Chapter 2-

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There was an unmistakable tension this morning, almost everyone seemed to be nervous. Including myself, but not for my safety, only for my sister's and Leylah. They were one of the only things that made me happy in life, (well other than a certain golden haired prince) and I intended to keep both happy, healthy and alive. Climbing onto the sand skiff, I made eye contact with a very nervous looking girl, who held onto the skiff railings like it was the only thing keeping her on the ground. In an attempt to seem friendly, I sent her a smile, she smiled at me until the person beside her started to talk to her. Arm in arm, I walked over to the front with Leylah, who was almost shaking with nerves .

"Don't worry Ley, you'll be ok. Just hold onto me for the whole time, and you'll be fine." I reassured her, holding onto the railing.

"Yeah, we'll be fine. We have you here," she sent me a knowing look, "and don't worry Zoya will be fine too, she'll blast off any volrca that get close." As the command to start up the skiffs filtered across, I gripped onto Leylah a little lighter. With a whoosh, the sand skiffs started to glide into the darkness ahead of us.

Soon enough, no one could see a thing, the only thing I could hear were the sand scraping against the bottom of the skiff, and the occasional sound of leather wings beating across the sky. I started to hear the sound of wings coming closer. I hand Leylah in a bone crushing grip, but she had to let go, because as an Inferni she was the first line of defence. As the sound started to circle around the skiffs I eventually heard the command "Burn!", then the sound of flints striking. The darkness erupted into streaks of red and orange. I would have thought that it was a beautiful sight, if not for the giant flying monsters swooping about. Screams started to echo, and the horrifying cries of the volcra rang out as arrows flew through the air. I was trying to send them away from the skiff, but it was too late. One by one soldiers got picked off of the skiffs and more and more blood was spilt. While I was trying to fend off the horrible creatures I heard my name.

"(Y/N)!!!" Leylah screamed as a volcra had attached itself onto midsection , "HELP!" She cried,

"HANG ON!" I screamed, trying to pry off the disgusting claws. But first, I switched its blood flow so that it was going in the wrong direction, soon the volcra died, and I dug the claws out of her thigh. Ripping a piece of my kefta off, I tied it around her waist, she was losing blood very quickly. Focusing on the unconscious girl who was bleeding out in front of me, I had not noticed where the searing bust of light came from. But it scared the volcra off, and that was all that mattered. Soon the order to turn back was called, and all I did was hold Leylah close, praying to the saints that she didn't die in my arms.

As soon as the skiff landes outside of the fold, I picked Leylah up and sprinted to the Grisha infirmary,

"I need help!!! Someone please help!!" I cried holding Leylah in my arms, kefta stained with blood.

"Oh my! Bring her here dearie, bring her here." Said an older woman, pointing at a table, I gently laid her across the table, standing back. "I need someone to take off her kefta quickly!" Someone then took it off and handed it to me, the nurse then paled at something behind me, "I'm sorry sweetheart you're going to have to leave, this place is going to get crowded quickly." Someone then ushered me out of the infirmary, and I ran over to the main tent to look for Zoya, but I couldn't get into it due to the fact that the door was packed. I chimed in a couple of "excuse me"s until I resorted to nudging people out of the way. Strangely there weren't only Grishas in the tent, there were many soldiers, and at the front of the group stood a girl, the same girl who you saw on the sand skiff, as everyone still seemed to be talking. I got a couple of strange looks as I shoved some people out of my way, trying to make sure I didn't lose my sister as well. As soon as I spotted her, I engulfed her into a bone crushing hug.

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