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Who cares if I die?
Who cares if I, by God's name, decide to fight fire with fire,
Live my name's aspirations,
Enflame the skies with a brazen parade of desire?

Who cares if I live?
If life to my timescale is reviled or revered?
Through tears will you know me, see me, disbelieve me?
An incomprehensible mystery or veritable misery?
A façade to dignity?

For why should you care? All I have is despair,
A knowledge to defend but thoughts to spare,
Aware of the challenges there in heart, soul, mind.
To rend the ability to help us to find,
A certain capacity, and let us rewind,
The time or the moment where our lives were defined.

Do words mean much when connections are more,
Than a means to get through an open front door,
Of fiery ambition? An unstated clause,
To the idea of meritocracy - Royalty endures.

Who cares what I say? I'm words on a page,
Little more than a dust speck floating in space,
Yet only this stays as my rep, my face,
Remaining evermore endorsed by this Fate.

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