Part two.

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**Julia POV**

They flight actually wasn’t bad, Megan talked to us.

The plane was landing when the Flight attend said “Welcome to Mullingar, Ireland. “ Krystal turned her head towards us looking confused “Surprise!” Said Megan.

We were looking for a cab and this baby blue taxi cab pulled over to us and we all three climbed into in. Megan told him the name of the hotel.

When we arrived to our hotel room I was shocked. It was so big and beautiful. It was divided into three bathrooms and three rooms that joined into a kitchen that lead to a small living room. It was all so amazing and from the window in the bedroom I was staying in you could see a Starbucks. I suddenly was craving a Peppermint Latté. So, I walked out into the Living room where the girls were and asked “Hey guys. Want to go to Starbucks?” “Yeah!” Krystal said “How about you Meg?” I asked “Nah, I’m going to settle in. But can you bring me back a Mocha Latté?”  “Yeah.”   

So, Krystal and I went across the street to Starbucks. And you won’t believe who we saw.  


Sorry it's so short. I was having writers block on this part. But, Enjoy.xx

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