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Trigger Warning: Will contain attempted suicide. Do not reading if you can be triggered. Also, suicide is very serious and not a joke. If you are having suicidal thoughts, please message me or tell somebody.

Third Person POV:

Percy was in bed, going to sleep when he heard footsteps coming up to his door. Before he could get up, there was a chopping sound and the entire cabin shook. The door was kicked down, revealing Ares. Ares swing the axe but he missed and it got stuck in the floor.

Ares struggled to get the axe out while Percy cut a hole in the back of the cabin to escape. Percy ran out in the direction of the beach. By now, Ares had gotten his axe free and he began to chase the Son of Poseidon. Percy suddenly turned around and slammed his arms to the ground, causing the earth to shake. Ares was thrown back about ten feet from the shockwave.

As Ares got up, Percy reached the beach. Percy started making what looked like a humanoid figure out of the water. But the time the structure was finally finished, Ares had reached the beach. Percy talked through the figure. "I'm Ares." the water person said. "I'm a big dummy."

This caused Ares to get very angry, unreasonably angry. He started swinging his axe in the air before running at Percy. Ares swung his axe at Percy, but the demigod simply caught the handle and twisted it, throwing Ares to the ground. "Should I kill you?"

"I could, but what would that achieve? Could I do it? Yes. Would I have regret? Probably."

"Sounds like a good deal to me." Percy swung the axe straight into Are's chest. He roared in pain, but after a while the screaming stopped. But the blood. It flowed like a waterfall. It made a beautiful puddle. Of pain. Of power. Of carnage. But Percy almost enjoyed it. As he looked down upon the blood he had made, he contemplated. "Am I a villain?"

But the most important thought running through his mind was, "Will Aphrodite still love me? Who could love a murderer?" The campers were running over. But they were interrupted. The blood on the ground formed into a figure.

"All hail Perseus Jackson, Primordial of Regret, Pain and War." Those echoed through Percy's thoughts. Regret. Pain. War. And one that was not included in his title but should have been, murder. "I am a murderer and there is no denying it." he thought. Percy had killed things before but they were evil. But it had to be done.

But Percy didn't have to kill Ares. He chose to. He chose to kill. And that made him a murderer. Percy had no doubt about it. He was not a hero, but a villain. A murderer. The evil. All those years of fighting it, only to succumb to it. Iconic. Percy felt like Luke. He felt like a traitor. He wasn't sure he could live with that weight on his shoulders.

And that's why he grabbed the knife that had fallen out of Ares' pocket. And that's why he stabbed himself.


Percy's POV:

I woke up on a hospital. White sheets stained with ichor covered my body. Aphrodite practically jumped on top of me, hugging me. "I thought you were dead, Percy!" she cried. "Never, ever do that again!"

"I'm a murderer. A killer. I didn't have to kill Ares, yet I did." Percy stated.

"First of all, Ares attacked you. He tried to kill you." Aphrodite argued. "And if you hadn't killed him, he would keep coming for you."

"But, do you still love me?" Percy asked.

"Of course." Aphrodite replied.

"I need to go train my Primordial Domains, want to come with me?"


Word Count: 633 (I know short, but I feel like I couldn't really stretch out the fight because Ares is puny compared to Percy.)

AN: I know I made Percy too OP and for those of you who don't like OP Percy, sorry. But I think it will be easier for them to wed now as they are both the same race.

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