Addicted To Looking At You

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AN: I know I haven't updated in sooooo long but I had no ideas for this story. I would really appreciate some more ideas because I have none. Also, this will be a chapter because I feel like I need to update this because of the holiday. Aphrodite is basically the ruler of Valentines Day. Also, this might contain slightly mature romance scenes. (No sexual content but don't show this to your five year old sister.)

Third Person POV:

Percy ran up Half Blood Hill, excited to see Aphrodite again. As he crossed the barrier, everyone noticed him. "Hi guys!" Percy greeted.

"Happy Valentines Day!" the crowd cheered.

"Wait, it's Valentines Day?" Percy asked, confused.

"Of course, silly!" Aphrodite said, almost offended that Percy didn't remember.

"Well, I've been in Alaska for two dam months! A holiday isn't my priority! Anyway, here's your dove." Percy said, getting the dove off his shoulders and putting it in his hands. Aphrodite rushed over, hugged Percy and kissed his forehead. He blushed.

"Thank you so much!" Aphrodite exclaimed. "This dove means so much to me, I can't thank you enough! What would you like as your payment?"

"Um, I'll decide later." Percy replied. "Actually, I know what I want. Can I have the ability to magically summon blue cookies infinitely?"

"I don't know if I have the magic to do that but I'm sure that I can ask Hecate." Aphrodite responded. By now, the crowd had departed from the center of camp and Aphrodite and Percy went into the forest.

"So, do you have a valentine?" Percy asked in a jokingly romantic tone, making Aphrodite blush.

"Yeah, but I don't think he likes me back." Aphrodite nervously admitted.

"Well, I think you should just confess your feelings. That's the only chance really to know." Percy encouraged.

"I will later. I'll take that into mind and consideration." Aphrodite said, very conflicted. She teleported to Mount Olympus before running into her room inside her palace.

Aphrodite's POV:

"What should I do?!" I screamed into my velvet pillow. "Should I tell him?! There's no way he would love someone like me!? Should I tell him?"

"I mean, he said that there's no way to find out unless you try." I muttered. "I'm going to try. If he doesn't like me, than that's that. Then, I move on. But I would rather tell him now, than have him die and me never able to have a chance to confess."

"I'm going to confess."


As the campfire came to an end, all the demigods went to their cabin except one. And that was Percy. Aphrodite had asked him to meet up in the forest where they were earlier.

"What did you want to talk about, Aphrodite?"

"Well, I took what you said to heart." Aphrodite explained. "I realized that life is not eternal. Maybe not for me, but then again, everything comes to an end. Death is inevitable and that everyone should make the most of it. Love needs to bloom before the stem can chopped. And that's why I have decided to confess."

"I love you, Percy. I hope you feel the same way. But if you don't that's fi" Aphrodite was cut off by Percy pressing his lips to hers.

"I love you too, Aphrodite. You're perfect." Percy said, twirling his hair. "You are so similar to Annabeth, it hurts to look at you. But at the same time, it's addicting."


A roar echoed through Are's temple. Ares had just been informed by Phobos and Deimos that Aphrodite and Percy were kissing. "I will not stand for this!" Ares shouted, smashing his fist on a statue of himself. The pieces of marble crashed to the floor.

"How dare that spawn of Poseidon steal my girl! Perseus Jackson, I am coming for you. And this time, I won't be playing games." Ares grabbed the Executioner's Axe of his temple wall. He hoisted it over his shoulder and grunted. "Be ready because Slaughterfest is coming."

Word Count: 668

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