Chapter 5

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A/N This chapter will probably be fully Mari's POV, because you'll see. Also sorry for not updating for so long. It's just I'm new to writing stories and I have a very important contest the next week sooooooo, yeah. I'll try to update more recently.

Third person POV

The month went by and Marinette's friends were drifting away from her. Sabrina thought that she put a note in her locker saying she'll never be Chloe's true friend, Rose accused her of stealing her perfume, Nathaniel thought she tore his skechbook, Kim believed Lila when she said that Mari destroyed his bag and Alix said she saw someone break her new rollerblades. Mylene and Ivan weren't convinced yet, but they slowly started believing Lila too. Juleka stayed silent and Chloe was on a trip with her mother after Mari brought them closer together. Chlo was Mari's friend now, but she was away. Besides her, the only friends Mari had were Alya, Nino, Adrien and Bella until that one day...

Le time skip for another 2 weeks 'cause I'm lazy

Marinette POV

I entered the classroom and instantly felt people's eyes on me. I got used to it, but something was different. It was Alya. I tried to sit next to her, but she just put her bag down on my seat and said:

"This seat is taken, right Lila?"

I couldn't believe it. I asked what did I do, and she replied that I know what I did. I sighed and sat at the back, on Lila's old place. On the next lesson I was surprised, because I saw Adrien coming to sit next to me. He must have noticed my red eyes, but I still wanted to ask him.

"W-why is A-alya mad at me."

I said almost without stuttering. He then told me that someone's been writing hateful comments on the Ladyblog and that she didn't know who it was at first, but the hater's name was "Bakernette". I started crying. Lila took my best friend away from me too. Adrien hugged me saying that I still have him, Chloe and Bella. I managed to only said thank you, and then I asked.

"Why did you come up here?"

"Lila is awful to sit in front of. She keeps touching me and I can't focus, so I came up here. You're a great friend and I knew I can trust you. Also I wanted to talk to you on lunch."

 I just said okay and we focused on the lesson.

Lunch came and I sat with Adrien. Chloe was coming back the next day, Nino was sick and Alya was sitting with Lie-la. The moment I sat down Adrien said:

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you pregnant. You probably hate me now. I'm so sorry."

He continued to apologize and my memories came flashing  back. I totally forgot about the pregnancy from all this stress, and because of Bella's magic I didn't have morning sickness, but said:

"H-h-how d-do you k-know?"

I barely managed to say and he replied that he figured it out after Lila's lie and reminded me that we did that on his birthday. I was scared again. I remembered I have to tell my parents. So I said:

"How about coming to my place for lunch. I-I still have to tell my parents you know."

He agreed, blushed and said that he's kinda scared of my dad, but I just laughed and we went to the bakery. Walking there we just talked about random things and I managed to not stutter. I realized that I'm falling for him even more and that I want him to be in my kid's life. After a few minutes we got to my house and I called for my parents who had a break. We all sat in the kitchen and after an internal fight I said:

"Maman, Papa, please don't be mad. I'm sorry, but..." I took a deep breath and finished: "I'm pregnant."

The room fell silent and I started crying. My mom hugged me and said:

"Oh sweetie, that's okay. We're not mad. It happens all the time."

I kept crying, but slowly I calmed down and then dad said:

"Umm, no offense, but why is Adrien here?" So I replied that he's the father. My parents looked at each other and smiled. I felt weird, but I could tell that Adrien felt even more awkward. After that I looked at the clock and said that we have to go to school already or we'll be late. And with that we left.

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