The start of something new.

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Louis Pov

Well that happened last night. Why did I feel like he was the only one I could trust. The only one who cared. Well I hadn't heard from my mum and sisters for years after they moved away but still. I had family and friends who cared. I'm so messed up.

"Morning beautiful" I heard him say to me. I kissed him before getting up and getting dressed. He stayed in bed for a bit as I went downstairs to make a cup of tea. Zayn was stood in the kitchen and I froze as he walked over to me.

"Sorry about the other day bro" He said bringing me into a lad hug. I was so surprised and stood there not really knowing what to do before I hugged back.

"Don't worry about it Zayn" I said smiling.

"Oh you do know my name then" He said laughing and I carried on putting the kettle on. Liam was the next to enter the kitchen and was shocked when he saw me stood there.

"Morning Liam" I said first. These were the only people I had right now  so I may aswell be nice.

"Morning mate" He said walking straight over to Zayn giving him a peck on the lips. I knew there was something going on there. Zayn smirked at me winking.

"Want a tea?" I asked

"I DO!" Harry shouted from downstairs which only made me laugh.

"So are you two a thing now or?" Liam asked sitting down at the breakfast bar followed by Zayn.

"Uh-" I answered before Harry interrupted " Yes Liam we are" He said walking over to me and slapping my ass as I turned around to make the teas. I know I shouldnt enjoy my tim ehere but I was strating not to mind it.

The day went pretty fast and it was soon dinner time. For the first time ever we were all sat around the table eating a meal together. It felt weird but nice at the same time.

Harry raised a glass "To our new fucked up family"

We all clinked glasses. But there was a knock at the door.

"Ah Louis we have a surprise" Harry stated getting up from the table. He went to the door and in walked a face I knew so very well but hadn't seen in a while. It was Niall. I froze in my seat. Why was here? Are they going to hurt him again? Did I do something wrong? Niall looked at me smiling but I couldn't smile back. It felt like the muscles in my face didn't work anymore.

"Take a seat Niall" Harry said and he did what he was told. That's the difference between me and Niall I don't know when to do as I'm told and shut up but he does. That's how our friendship works.

Then Harry started his speech "So Niall as you know we've had Louis here for a while and he managed to get you hurt. We have kept Louis here and gave him a few rules but he didn't follow them. He tried to escape. Now normally we would have got you ack here and gave you a few more broken ribs. But in the last few days Louis has been on his best behaviour, he's kept his mouth shut and not thrown a fist." I saw Niall look up at me and Zayn and Liam were Laughing. Harry continued " Me and Louis have gotten pretty close you could say which is why I'm saying this" He stopped realising my head was down and used his had to get me to look up "Louis you can leave right now with Niall if you want or you can stay and we can be the family you need."

I was shocked how could he say this. I am so confused. Was this an ultimatum?

"If I stay here would I be able to leave and go to places?" I asked

"You would live here with us, with me as your boyfriend." He looked at me with his emerald eyes. "I want a family Louis"

I looked at Niall who gave me the I think you should look. He knew me better than anyone else.

"Of course I'll stay" I said not knowing what I've just got myself into. The evening went on with me having a drink too many and sloping off to bed. I heard the front door close and knew Niall had gone to when harry came into our room. I was drunk and I knew from the room spinning. He came over to the bed and I could smell the alcohol on him. he was also drunk.

once he got to the bed we immediately started kissing. His tongue worked its was around my mouth and I took off my shirt as well as his. Before long he was inside of me. We went on for an hour or two before passing out naked next to each other.


Week after

We got up pretty early and by we I mean me and Harry. Zayn and Liam don't get up until midday most days. We got in the car and Harry drove us to the mall. I watched as he took what seemed to be millions in the bank out but I didn't dare mention it. We had been together for over a week now but I still didn't want to make him angry.

We shopped and he ended up buying me thousands of pounds worth of new clothes and shoes. As well as a new phone. Finally I was aloud to contact the outside world as he trusts me not to be an idiot about it. I knew I would call the police as I loved him and in some ways happy that Liam and Zayn broke into my house that night and brought me to meet him.

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