Chapter 24

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Chapter 24         

In chapter 23 – I pulled the gun from out of my dress… any last words Thomas??? Haha!! I aimed the gun at Thomas and pulled the trigger…

BULLSEYE! I hit Thomas right in the heart. All heads turned to me. And Hannah. Her face.. It was priceless! She knelt down by Thomas’ side and cried. She actually cried. She kissed him and then She stood up.. She looked me right in the eye. She ran towards me.


I cannot believe what just happened. Thomas just got shot. I gave him a quick kiss and stood up. JENIFER. What was she doing here? I ran towards her screaming my face off

“YOU BITCH WHY DID YOU SHOOT THOMAS?”I yelled while running…

 I reached Jenifer and jumped on top of her. I started hitting her. Yelling at her. Things were getting ugly.  By now people were already trying to pull me off or call the police and ambulance.  Eventually someone pulled me off. I hated them right now whoever it was. Someone managed to hold back Jenifer and later after the police and the ambulance arrived. People were watching over Thomas as the paramedics walked over to him. They spent a while admiring the man. Just standing and staring. The police put jenifer into cuffs and took her away in the police car. God I hated that girl right now


Mission accomplished… It doesn’t matter what happens to me now. I killed Thomas. Revenge is always needed… The police car drove off and Hannah was in puddles of tears. Haha. Weak bitch.



sorry its so short. i feel so bad but the next chzpter is very factual and is very interesting and i think it would  be too much for you poor readers. this chapter is dedicated to caitlin because she said thomas should die so :) not my fault.

next update in a week

haha just kidding 


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