Chapter X

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"Something's going on in your mind, Connor. It's making you restless, can you tell me about it?"

Aileen asked as they walked through the royal forest, savouring the warmth of the sun since the canopy of trees was sparser now. They had managed to sneak through a secret gate in the Manor walls that is usually guarded but Connor knew when the guards changed and they had a two minute window - which they made with time to spare.

"Why would you say something is on my mind?"
He asked as he attempted to hide his nervousness,

"Because your eyes are looking into nothing, your jaw is clenched, you're not talking to me and you've run your hand through your hair at least five times, which is a typical sign of stress."

"Can't hide anything from you, can I?"

She said with a sweet smile before walking her mare on slightly, one hand holding the reins as the other's fingers ran along the tree trunks and bushes beside her,

"Are you going to tell me?"
She asked again since he hadn't replied,

"Must I?"

"Of course not, you are free to say whatever you want. You shouldn't tell me if you don't want to but if it's eating at you, wouldn't it be better to get it off your chest?"
Connor groaned,

"I hate that you're right."
"Get in line, there are about twenty other people who think that," She said smiling, "I have heard that more times than I can count."

Connor smiled, his heart fluttering at the sight of her riding beside him, eyes closed as her face glowed in the sunlight, lips curled into a small smile.

"What is your view on love?"
Aileen's eyes snapped open and she turned to look at him,


Connor shrugged,
"Yes, you know, the emotion people feel when they love each other."

Aileen rolled her eyes and smiled,

"Really? I always thought love was a type of food."
She replied sarcastically, making Connor laugh. They kept walking,

"I suppose love is a subject I haven't really thought about. I mean, I love my brothers but I also love chocolate cake. You mean love as the emotion for a couple, right? The emotion between a courting or married couple and for that I have no answer. I may know all the occurrences of a courting and a marriage, but from books and drunken conversations, not from personal experience."
Connor nodded and they kept walking,

"And if you had to explain love? What do your books say?"

She smiled softly and Connor felt a smile on his own lips,
"I haven't read a lot of romance books, so I can't use them as an example, but personally my definition of love would be: the emotion you feel when you see a person for who they truly are - all their faults and all their perfections - and still you believe they are the most beautiful and charming and loveable person you've ever met."

Connor's heart constricted slightly.

"Why do you ask?"
She asked as they kept walking,

"I was curious,"
Connor replied with a shrug.

They soon entered a clearing and Aileen laughed as she hopped off her horse and spun in a circle as the sun made her entire being glow,

"It's so beautiful here, Connor, no wonder the Manor keeps this hidden from the public, if everyone could come here it would be crowded day in, day out."

Connor smiled,
"I'm glad you like it here, not a lot of people enjoy the forest."

"Why not?"
She asked as she stopped spinning and sat down on the grass and patted the space in front of her, a gesture to ask Connor to join.

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