Chapter I

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The Barnes Family was probably known by everyone in the nation of Lende; their contributions to the Army, their care for charity work and helping the less fortunate, and their delightful company that had made them extremely respected and loved by the country even though they held no rank in the Aristocracy - the husband was a Admiral, the wife was the sister of a Baron through marriage.

But that never stopped their popularity, neither did their charming children. Alexander was the eldest, a handsome man of six and twenty that had been deemed the most eligible bachelor of the coming season - even when compared to all the other men of higher rank. Then came Wesley, who was the identical replica of his elder brother sans for his eyes which were a warm amber rather than hazel.

That then left Aileen, the youngest, who was two and twenty and the most unusual of the family. She had the same tall and lean physique of her brothers rather than a soft, womanly form and she matched them in her colourings - curly black hair and fair skin. Her countenance was defined and strong; with a straight nose, inquisitive brows and eyes that could only be described as iridescent -but most commonly looked golden- and when focused on one, made one think she knew every secret one had hidden from her.

What set her apart the most, however, was her mind. Rather than being filled with thoughts of men, dancing and dresses she was filled with the more sophisticated views of life that she shared with her elder brothers. When she was merely twelve years of age and her brothers fourteen and sixteen, she managed to exceed them at chess, had read more novels than them combined, and matched them in their studies of everything that was academic.

Currently, Aileen was seated in her elder brothers' study, books scattered around with the stained glass windows glowing like jewels. As she sat on the armchair placed beside the unlit fireplace, she had her legs tucked to her side, a blanket draped over them and a large book resting on her lap. Her mind was so oblivious to her surroundings that when someone tapped her shoulder she prepared to strike them, only to notice it was her father.

"Father? What are you doing here?"

The elder man smiled at his daughter before sitting opposite her and crossing one leg over the other, his hands on the armrests as his fingers drummed a rhythmic pattern,
"My business was short in Townsley, decisions were made and settled much quicker than expected."

Aileen nodded, closing her book and placing it on the side table as a way for saying he had all her attention,
"And my dear brothers? Did they cause much trouble?"

General Barnes chuckled, he loved to discuss his sons; they were his pride and joy,
"Most certainly, but they can tell you of their misfortunes since I have something else to discuss with you."

Aileen sighed,

The man nodded,
"She is involving me in the scheme to have you attend the upcoming ball at the Marquise Estrus's home. You know how I despise being involved with this woman-talk so I beg you, Aileen, talk to your mother and keep me out of this."

The young woman rolled her eyes and took back her book,
"I will discuss it with her later."

The book was pulled from her hands and she glared at her father,
"You will discuss it with her now."

He said, matching her glare whilst placing the book on the side table beside his armchair. Aileen rolled her eyes once again and rose from her seat, straightening her dress and pulling her hip-length mass of hair into a braid.

She walked through corridors and galleries until she arrived at her mother's favourite drawing room; it viewed the gardens and had cream coloured walls with white and yellow toned furniture and paintings of nature framed in gold covering the walls.

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