Ask & Dare 22

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Sorry for not making this sooner.  TwT

I was real tired and ya-


Can I be in the story? by The_Meme_Glitch

Fandom: Yes! UwU

Fandom: Since you've gave me your oc information I'm gonna show this to everybody if you don't mind-

My OC is a skeleton, because y e s , and her name is Nova. 

She's a very meme-y child.

 Loves breaking the fourth wall

Loves Popping in at random moments

Loves ruining wholesome/ romantic moments by reciting funny vines Loves making puns

Loves rick-rolling people. 

She is about 5'1" (Which makes sense since she's about 13) 

She likes teasing people that get angered easily because she finds their reactions entertaining. 

She can be found drawing or playing Minecraft or Undertale in her free time.

 She also likes booping people because she thinks it's fun. 

She can teleport, but she prefers that over walking. 

She also likes teleporting behind people and blasting 'Never gonna give you up' just to scare the living hell out of them. 

Her favorite hobbies are playing video games and annoying just about everyone. 

She especially likes annoying people that she doesn't like. (In this case, it's Dream and Carrot)

She will never actually hurt anyone on purpose.

She would be a real sweetheart once you get past her annoyingness. 

That's just about it- Sorry if it was too much information- TwT by The_Meme_Glitch

Fandom: Welcome to the world Nova!

*Nova has been teleported to our au*

Nova:  HAI!  :V

Fandom:  HAi!  :3

Fandom: Also-

Fandom: I don't think I'll be adding more characters-

Fandom: I have already have like 3 characters now  TwT

Fandom: Its pretty hard to keep track of these characters. 

Fandom: So sorry to say but I can't add anymore ocs for you guys.

Fandom: Pls no be mad-

Nova: ReEeEeEeEEEEEe

Fandom: Holy-


 I dare you to lock Blue in a room with Carrot until they sort out their problems and I need Nova to watch and make sure they don't start fighting each other or something by The_Meme_Glitch

Carrot & Blue: Oh HeLlLLlllLll nOoOooOOoOO

Nova: OhHhhh HeLlLLlllLLl YeEEEeSsSsSSSsS~

Harmony: Y e s. 

Harmony: This is what you get for not learning about language!

Carrot: BrUH-

Nova: *grabs Carrot's arm and begans to pull him into an room*

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