Ages(Pls Read)

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So the chapter title says ages.

Well today I'm gonna talk about the ages.

As you can see.

Lets go to the first ship that I've been getting a lot of age problems.

(Ds!Horror)Randy x (Ds Dust)Bobby.

Yes, I know that Randy is 32 and Bobby is 18.


Theres something I don't understand.

Ds!Dream x Ds!Error

Ds!Cross x Ds!Nightmare.


Dream and Nightmare are both 124 years old.

Error is 25 and Cross is 24.

Is it me or does no one seem to care about the ages when it comes to Dream x Error or Nightmare x Cross???

But it seems to care when it comes to Randy x Bobby.


Even Onbizzaree likes the ship of Dream x Error or Nightmare x Cross and doesn't seem to say anything about the ages.


Sorry if I was rude.

I just realized and now I'm like: AYE WHAT ABOUT DREAM AND NIGHTMARE?!?!?!?

But yea I changed Randy and Bobby's ages to 26(Randy) and 21(Bobby) because of the problems I gotted.

I'm not sure if I wanna change the ages of Nightmare and Dream.

But basically I wanna say is.

Why is Randy x Bobby like illegal on the ages but Dream x Error, Dream x Ink, Nightmare x Error, Nightmare x Ink, Nightmare x Cross, Nightmare x Blue, Dream x Blue not illegal on the ages??? 

(Yes that's a lot of ships)

Like onebizzare never said anything about the ages illegal thing with the ships of Dream or Nightmare. (Right??)

Plus their skeletons. Age shouldn't matter with skeletons right?

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