Face Reveal... O////O

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Images have been deleted so they are now unavailable for 1. Since I started an new book I think I might have to reward the book with face reveal and I feel like they can just go here and just check it out. 2 Personal reasons. I'm sorry if you had missed this event. But when I do an face reveal I will delete it after an month. Plus. My looks have sort of changed so theres no point of the images to still be here when I look different.


Me: *goes on iPad after school *

Me: *me goes to my notifications*

Me: *sees an friend saying "congrats on 10k views*

Me: Nani?! 

Me: *goes to my profile*

Me: *sees 10k views* 

Me:...aww sh*t.... O////O

Well thank you very very much for this. 

I never felt so proud 🥲 



Now here's the moment you've been waiting for 

well if you were-

So here's the first picture.

This is what I USED to look like.

Yes it was torture with long hair. 

But no it's gone UwU

Now this is what I actually look like right now.

Me in the morning  ✋ 💀 

I basically use many hair styles for my hair.

But I'm lazy to do that now. 

But thank you for 10k views. :')

Also me: F*ck F*ck I'm so embarrassed- 😞 😳 

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