Chapter 7

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We rode through the night, and into the day, where we were headed I still didn't know. It drizzled pretty much the entire time, and a for a few random moments the drizzle turned to rain. Yet still we pressed on. My head thumped against Jamie's rock solid chest behind me, a constant reminder of my captivity. 

For the first time in hours, the sun broke through the clouds, and streams of light filtered through the trees. We took a turn on the path, and a few miles ahead of us, a mountain came into view. In the back of my mind, I knew something important about this location, but I was struggling to remember it. 

Jamie noticed me watching the mountain when he leaned around the check the horse and saddle, making sure I was situated properly. 

"Been through here before, have ye?" he asked, taking my interest as a sign of familiarity. 

"Yes, once or twice. I heard something interesting about the rock, but I can't recall it."

"It's called Cocknammon Rock if that helps ye," he provided.

Giving it some thought, I recalled what it was I was trying to remember.

"I remember now, the English sometimes use it as a hiding place, lying in wait for an ambush."

Jamie furrowed his brow, taking a second and third glance at the rock ahead of us. 

"You're sure?" he whispered.

I turned halfway to look at him. "Yes, I'm sure."

Jamie gave me another look, before spurring the horse and and coming up alongside Dougal. He spoke something in Gaelic, which set Dougal off, his disposition suddenly turning rough and angry. He kept looking and gesturing at me as he said something to Jamie. Then he turned to me.

"Tell me, how do ye know about the English, eh? What makes you so sure," he growled.

"I don't know how I know, I just do!"

"Are ye a spy? Is that it?"

"No! I am not a spy! Though after speaking with you I'm almost inclined to become a murderer!"

Dougal looked back at the rock, then raised his arm and gestured to the other man, shouting something in Gaelic. 

Suddenly, I was pushed from the horse, landing on my stomach in the dirt. The men took off at a gallop towards the rock, splitting off in a few different directions and drawing their swords. Looking around to make sure no one was around, I stood up and began running towards the trees, back in the direction from which we'd come. I heard gunshots behind me, and distant shouting and clashing of metal, most likely from their swords.

I barely glanced back as I ran through the forest, tripping over rocks and fallen branches. Soon enough the shouting faded as I got far enough away, but the guns going off every now and again was still within earshot. I heard horses galloping a few yards away, and the shouting began anew. Now I was sure it was that of the men looking for me, but I didn't care. I kept going, pushing myself to run, not knowing what would happen if I was caught.

I must have taken a wrong turn, because I found myself cornered in a small canyon, nowhere to go except backward. I turned to retrace my steps, when a horse came galloping into view. I stepped back putting distance between myself the man coming upon me.

"Lost are ye?" he said, swinging his leg over and jumping down from the horse.

Jamie. He was covered in blood, splattered along his shirt and across his face.

"Perhaps. But I'd rather be lost than go back with you."

"Am I that terrible?" he chuckled, stepping up along side me as I tried to avoid him. He put his arms out to try and block my way, but I still managed to escape him, and yet he followed, matching my every step.

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