Chapter 6

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After walking about a mile or so down the ravine, the strange man finally led me out of it, and through the line of trees, to a horse already saddled and waiting patiently for its rider. Which, apparently, was us. Despite my protests, he swung me up on the horse, taking his place behind me, securing his arm around my waist so that I couldn't get off, whether it be by falling or jumping. We set off at a gallop, where we were headed I didn't know. Only that it took me further and further away from where I needed to be. 

I don't know how long we rode, but it seemed like days. By the time we finally got to wherever it was, the sun had long since set, the stars now clearly on display around the bright, full moon. He brought the horse to a stop and jumped down, tying the reins to a wooden post a few feet away. Then he turned around to help me down, and taking me roughly be the hand begins to lead me inside what could best be described as a hut, only a few yards away. Even that was being generous. The old stone walls and thatched roof were so dilapidated, it was hard to believe anyone could possibly live there, and yet smoke was billowing out of the chimney into the clear night sky, and through the small windows I could make out some candle and firelight.

"Get your hands off me!" I cried, pushing and pulling on the man's grasp as he tugged me towards the hut.

I tried to pry his fingers off but his grip was too strong. He opened the door and threw me in. Somehow I managed to keep my footing and not fall face forward into the stone floor. The room was filled with scruffy looking men, all watching me with dark, calculating eyes, wondering who I was and where I'd come from. And where previously the room had been filled with chatter in that language which I couldn't understand, now, it was silent as a tomb.

The man who had brought me here walked in mere seconds after me, and shut the door behind himself, after first taking a quick look around to make sure no one was watching. 

I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, not sure what to do with myself, yet refusing to show my fear. I kept my head held high, and stared back at each of the men. Some of them widened their own eyes slightly in surprise, but I didn't falter.

Yet under their watchful gaze I felt very self conscious. I snuck a glance down at myself and my clothes. My jeans had been ripped and torn, in numerous places, from the tree branches I had run through, and my struggle to escape Randall. That same struggle had also left holes in my shirt, which unfortunately provided even more scandal than my skirt, considering it was a crop top. Thankfully I had worn my boots so at least my feet were fine.

Across the room, in front of the blazing fire, sat a redheaded man on a small stool with his back to me. His shirt was off, but despite the dim light I could see that his arm was in a funny position. As I looked closer, I noticed that the bone was sticking out. Dislocated.

In front of him was an older man, bald, with a bushy gray beard and a large nose, and a portlier man who also had facial hair, and a small ponytail tied at the base of his head. The portlier man had his hands around the redhead's arm and shoulder, and when I realized he was going to move it, I knew I had to do something. I may not've known much about human anatomy, but I did know how to set a bone properly. It was something that I had learned before setting off to travel, and also because I had been extremely bored at the time, and was looking for something new.

"Stop!" I shouted, darting across the room, though a few men made to stop me. 

One of them reached out to grab my arm, but I jerked away and continued forward.

"Stop what you're doing, right now! You imbeciles!" I cried, gesturing at them.

The bald men looked me up and down, before turning to the man who'd brought me here and talking in a foreign language. Now that I had more of a chance to listen to it, I realized that it was Gaelic. I had picked up a few words during my travels and my research, but not enough to get by.

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