Chapter 1

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"Have ye ever been to Scotland before, miss?" the lady behind the counter asked me as she placed my food in a bag. 

Coming out of the hotel, I had found a deli on the street corner, and knowing that I would probably be hungry later on, while I was out exploring the countryside, I thought it best to stock up.

"No, I haven't, though I believe I have some family here. Distantly related though," I chuckled. "It's a beautiful country though. I always wanted to move here, but so far it isn't in the cards."

"Aye, well, if it's what ye truly want, it'll happen one way or t'other."

She handed me my food and bade me good day. The door bell rang softly behind me as I stepped outside. The sky was full of clouds, as it so often was, and this time it threatened rain.

"Grace!" A voice called behind me. I turned to see Will walking towards me, waving.

"There you are," he said as he embraced me. "I've been looking for you. My mum and dad want to go on a tour through some of the old castles. Do you want to come?"

I shook my head. "No thanks, I'm headed out for a little hike through the woods. But I'll meet up with you later. How bout I text you when I'm done, and if you're still out I'll come by?"

"Sounds like a plan," he kissed me on the cheek, making me blush. 

He waved to me as we went our separate ways, him back towards the B&B we were staying at, and myself out towards some place called Craigh Na Dun, a circle of stones in the hills nearby. Apparently it held a lot of myth and lore, and was quite well known among the locals. According to a few of the townspeople I had talked to, it was rumored that whoever went to the stones never came back, and no ever heard from them again. I doubted this very much, but it made me rather curious.

The road out there was winding, filled with some of the most beautiful landscapes I had ever seen. There were enormous snowcapped mountains, rivers running at their base, and miles and miles of tall trees. Everything here was green, and lush, an absolute paradise.

I parked the car on the side of the road, just down the hill from the stones, and began climbing up to them. It was an unusual structure, each stone placed in a circle around one centric stone. They were covered with moss, weeds built up around them. The grass had been stamped down in various places from numerous people coming to see this curiosity. I walked around the stones, running my hands over the cool surface of some of the outer stones. I don't know what it was, but for whatever reason, I couldn't leave. I stayed out there for hours, just walking around the stones, or sitting on the grass in front of them, just watching at them, almost as if I was waiting for something to happen, though I didn't know what. 

In all honesty, I probably could've sat there for much longer, if it weren't for the ringing of my phone jolting me out of my trance. I struggled to get my phone out and by the time I did the call had gone to voicemail. Three missed calls now from Will. I called him back and picked up after the first ring.

"Grace! Thank God you're alright! I've been worried sick, I almost came out after you!"

"I'm so sorry, Will, I just lost track of the time, and my phone wasn't on," I hastily explained. "But I'm heading back now. I'll see you soon. Love you."

I hung up the phone, and started towards my car. That's when I heard it. A low sort of humming sound. Then came the drumming. I scanned the surrounding area, but saw nothing. Then I was coming from behind me. From one of the stones. More specifically, the largest stone, standing in the middle.

I walked back to it, my gaze traveling up and down the length of the stone. I turned my ear closer to it, and the sound got louder. My heart was thumping hard in my chest, my mind racing with so many thoughts I couldn't focus on a single one. I backed away slowly, then turned and ran to my car. As soon as I hopped in, I out it in drive and sped away.

"It's okay, it's okay," I breathed, "it was just your imagination. Nothing to be scared of."

But the entire ride, I couldn't get it out of my head. All through dinner with Will and his parents, up until I got into bed that night, and even when I woke up the next morning, it was still invading my thoughts. I couldn't explain it, but I had this strange feeling when I heard it. Like someone, or a million someones, were calling my name.

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