Part 13

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Robbys pov looks like – example

Sams pov looks like – example

Your pov looks like -  example


"Good morning." "Good morning to you too. Look we never made it official last night. So, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Robby says. "Of course. Now I should, probably sneak out of here before we get seen." I say. "Fine. I will see you at the dojo" then I sneak out of the house.

I get home and change into my favourite work out clothing, then get ready to go out to the dojo.

At the dojo

Y/n and I are just sitting there kissing. T felt good to have someone good in my life. Then she pulls away. "Aren't you suppose to lead warm up?" She asks me. "Yeah, but with LaRussos grandma staying at there house and your mom coming back from her trip soon. This is the only quite time we are going to get." "You know we are going to have to tell everyone at som point. Right?" She says. "Ok, we will tell them. Can we just keep it a secret for a little bit." I ask. "Ya, of course" then we go back to kissing.

"look what I found." " What is it?" I ask "It was just sitting there, in these rocks." "Is that mr. miyagi's Medal of Honour?" I feel a sigh of relief easy over me. "That's crazy we looked everywhere for that." Sam says. "Huh. Must have been here the whole time." Robby says.

At the dealership

"Come on guys, wax on wax off." They phone rings. "Hey, tory. What do you need?" I ask. "Well, you know the skating place that I work at?" "Ya" "well, I was wondering if you wanted to come out tonight. Maybe you can bring that guy robby you Ike?" "Ya, ya, ya. About that we may or may not have kissed." "That's great. You can come out with me, also you have to meat my boyfriend. The theme is 80's" "ok got it. I will ask call you later. Love you bye." "Bye bitch." "What was tat about?" Robby asks me. "Nothing I will tell you later."

At the LaRussos house

"Robby we shouldn't be doing this we will get caught and I don't want to have to explain this." *kiss* "we won't get caught." Then we go back to kissing.

"Hey, robby!! Come help us with he groceries." Sam says. "Oh, I didn't realize that you where both hear." "Hey sam" "hey, we have a couple more bags to put away. If you wouldn't mind helping." she says. "Ya of course." We reply. "Unless, we want to keep avoiding sam and everyone else with this. We should probably go out one of these nights." "One of my friends is having an 80's party. We could go to that? If you want." "Sure that sounds fun. We should also tell sam we are dating." "We probably should. Maybe we could tell her tonight after we go on our date." "Sure, that would be fine."

Well I'm going to go crash a date.

At the skater place

"Got to say, I wasn't sure about the costumes, but it is definitely nice not having to sneak around." Robby says. I still think you should have dressed like Andrew McCarthy for synergy, or at least Duckie" "come on. with the hair, you know my only option was spader. I'm staving. Oh, excuse me. Can we get some menus?" I ask a girl as she skates by. "Oh my god. Hey tory. I thought you weren't working today." "I'm off soon then we can hang out. Did you know that sam was here?" she asks us. I look at robby. "No, I didn't." "Hey, what time do you go on break. I wanted to time it so the fries are extra crispy." Miguel comes over. "Hey, I didn't recognize you. Dig the costumes." "Miguel, this is my friend y/n, I was telling you about. We have known each other since we were kids. Y/n this is my boyfriend I was telling you about." Tory says. "We got into a lot of stupid shit ad we still do. Ok I will see you later" I say. Then robby and I walk off.

"So, sam is here. What do we do?" He asks "we could just tell her and then go back on our date?" I say. "Sure. That works. Let's go get some skates." He grabs my hand.

"So, how do you know tory?" He asks. This would be a question I would want to avoid... but I would have to tell him sooner or later. "So before I became a champion of the valley, torys and I family were not good with there money. So, tory and I would sneak out. We would get into some shit. We would steal and do things like that. I could pick pocket any one. I'm not happy about it." I say. "Thank you for telling me. I have done shit like that before I'm not even happy about it ether." Then all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?" Sam asks up. "Well, y/n and I were going on a date." Robby says. Then she almost falls "Whoa. My skate broke. Ok I will see you guys later." She say. Then she skates of.

"So, I have been given too compliments only outfit, but everyone thinks that I'm some guy named Dan Johnson. You have ever hear of him?" "Uh no. I'm sure who ever he is he is hot." As I give him a kiss. "Hey, guy." Sam comes and walks up to us. "Hey." The tory comes behind sam and pushes her to the floor. Whoa's fill the room as robby and I help her up. "Oops, sorry princess." Then skates away. Them sam skates behind her trips her. "Sam" I call out.

I go to help tory up. "What the hell sam!!" Miguel call out. "What? Me? I... she's the one- -" she stammers out. "Are you ok tory?" An officer comes by as Miguel and I help her up. "Thanks"

"All right your done. Your out." Sam walks out. "Hey robby you can go home. I will go check on tory and make sure she is ok." I say. "Ya, of course. Maybe we can have another date later?" "Ya. I would like that." I give him a small kiss

With tory

"Hey, girl. Why did you do that to sam? I'm sure you have a reason but I'm just checking." I say. "I will probably sound all sappy but... I saw her flirting with Miguel and then something in me kick started and I knocked her." She says. "Hey. It's ok. I see why you did that." I walk out.

"Wait, Miguel. I wanted to thank you, for helping tory. I know we are in a war, but I would like to call a truce. You are dating my best friend so if you do anything stupid I will kill you." I say with a scary tone. "Sure we can have a truce. And don't worry, I will keep her safe and not do anything stupid or hurt her." He say. "Thanks you" I walk out.

Torys pov

" Hey how are you doing?" I ask my boyfriend. "Good, but y/n just gave me the talk and she seemed pretty scary and she would do something to me if I hurt you." He says. "It's fine. But she will kill you if you do any thing stupid." I say.

Your pov.

"Hey robby." "Hey. sam knows we are dating and everything. She also said she is ok with you staying with me." "That's good. Well I'm going to bed" "wait for me."


My new favourite chapter

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