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-EDITED 19/10/15- 14/05/16


His hand brushed his chin absently as his Adam's apple bobbed. My eyes dusted across his face one last time and my heart ached every second they spent on his eyes. His magnificent grey eyes that held so much knowledge, the eyes that could make any human being long to stare at them for even the slightest fraction of a second.

I exhaled slowly and squished my hands closer together in a feeble attempt to bring my attention to myself and not him and his undeniable beauty. I had no idea what he was on about but I knew for sure that couldn't focus, I knew I should have tried to but I couldn't. He was just too beautiful. Too painfully beautiful.

It was apparent that his beauty was more important to me than my own mental health.

I blinked. Slowly. His thick eyebrows furrowed together, out of pure frustration no doubt. His eyes were on mine already making them fall automatically and I couldn't help but notice the flush of his face.

Was he mad at me?

"It's been three months," was my hearing delayed?

He sighed and pulled his chair directly in front of me. The feeling of his warm fingertips against my chin caused me to flinch but he still persisted, raising it up to meet the eyes of a stormy day. It was blatantly and unceremoniously ironic.

My pulse quickened when he opened his mouth to speak.

"You haven't said a word," his lips were bow shaped and rosy, his accent was crisp and razor sharp.

I tried to avert my eyes but I just couldn't.

"Are you ever going to speak to me?" my eyes stung and I couldn't handle it anymore.

The sessions. The listening. The 'help'...Life. I wanted to duck my head or pull it away but, I couldn't. I was compelled by his beauty and his warmth. This was by far the only contact I could take.

"Are you okay Grace?" his voice was almost a whisper but it still stirred the fluttering in my stomach and burned my eyes, I couldn't keep it up.

I couldn't handle it. I couldn't keep it in. I just had to accept his help whether I liked it or not.

"No," I croaked my cheeks warm, wet and held in paralysis by the warmth of his hands, "I'm not."

His Adam's apple bobbed again.

"Were you raped Grace?" I closed my eyes and the word were strangling me again.

"Yes," His Adam's apple bobbed again and he bit his lip. His face was flushed now and I had no idea why.

"Is it true that he took you a second time after your aunt was given custody?" A big ball of words I wanted to say, scream, cry got stuck in the insufficient space my oesophagus had to offer.

I averted my eyes and nodded slowly. I felt his fingers twitch and a strangled noise escaped his throat.

"I'm sorry Grace," he breathed, it was laced with anger and pity. I wanted none of it. I grimaced and looked him in the eyes.

I was so close I could see every detail. Every shade of grey and even tiny speckles of green.

"I can't do this anymore," My stomach dropped and so did my eyes.

I shook off his hands and got up slowly. Dazed. I had no idea what I was going to do. Relapse! Relapse! I might as well, it was the only form of therapy I had left. Warm fingers laced around my bare arm and I felt them hesitate before they let me go.

"I'm sorry Grace."

The undone can be undone.



Another short af update but meh.

(I'll prob update again tomorrow lol) OH MY GOSH I HAVE AND ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT DUE TOMORROW :O :'(

Ugh. Bye,


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