Prologue - Past Be Forgotten

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Hello, My name Is Y/N and I am an Assassin...atleast I was before I "left" the order
I was Born in tokyo but moved to Tsushima island, it was there at the age of 5 I began my training as an assassin...

Pretty fucked up if you asked me. I was seen as a prodigy by the other assassins. I learned alot of different techniques ranging from hiding in plain sight to combat with various weapons and even assassination techniques and the scariest part is that I was good at it. At the age of 7 I had already taken my first life, at the age of 10 I had already made the rank of assassin, and at 13...I was already ranked master.

The order i serve was in service to protect the innocent. We work in the dark to serve the light. We never sank our blades into innocent flesh, we never comprised our brotherhood nor our people, we hid in plain site blending with the crowd. Nothing was true and everything was permited. That is what we were about and our principles as assassins. While serving in the order I met other people who would soon grow to be my precious friends at one point I had a girlfriend too whom i grew to love alot.

It all changed though one dark and moonless night, one of our own insighted a coupe. Desperate for power, he sought a certain artifact that gave him immense power. I stopped him that night but i had lost something very important to me that night...I wasnt banished from the Assassin Order per say but was Exiled from the temple I grew up in. I had broke one of the assassins principles that night but which shouldve earned me the death sentence but because of my service records and my loyalty and work I put in forth for the order they decided to exile me from the temple and sanctuary I had served in.

I continued my work as a solo assassin traveling all over the world taking the lives of many foes. By the age of 15 I had killed more people than any one in the order. My confirmed kills stacked in the thousands plus area and At one point I stopped a 3 nation war by assassinating various political figures in the middle east an event that will surely go down in history earning me the title "Angel of Death" and became a legendary assassin.

But... despite all of this it was a way to cope for what at had happened during the coupe...and quite frankly I feel like I had destroyed myself more than I did fix...eventually my friends had found me while i was on my way to assassinate a CEO of large shipping company in norway who was secretly smuggling humans to different black markets around the world. When they found me they knew I was broken inside...We fought on the roof that building screaming at each other... and even was the first time i had acknowledged the pain in me and cried for the first time in my life..despite all the lives ive saved and taken away my friends were there to save mine at that moment i felt like I was alive...It was my last work as an assassin for now atleast my friends suggested that I try living a normal life as a regular high school kid I was skeptical and somewhat iffy about the idea but after careful consideration i took their idea and besides i think that this would help me ease off from the normal violent lifestyle and do something positive.

A few weeks after the mission in norway I decided to go back to japan and live with my parents. My dad was an assassin and was pretty decorated at that. He was able to retire with honor amongst the order. He now runs a company that makes radars and other sensory technology. As for my mom shes a regular women. She knows about the assassins but chose to remain out of it. Her family are renowned blacksmiths so she knows a thing or two about forging, But these days she helps my dad with the administration paperwork for the engineering department. Luckily shes able to do work from home so shes always there but will go to the office from time to time. As for my sister shes studying in America its been so long since ive seen her but i hear shes studying some pretty advanced science but shes doing well for herself. My parents live in a pretty big house not too luxurious but enough to tell people that were "something" theyre also arent the type to live like other rich people like how the tsuramaki's live like how they got all this housing staff working or how they drive limos around with people to drive them around or have fancy cars lying around..naw we arent like that at all.

My dad always made it a motto to be humble with our money and always says that living in such complacency kills that and..well we also arent interest in those kinds of stuff. When my mom found out that i was coming home she was thrilled to have me so too was my dad. They picked me up from the Haneda apirport and i got settled in farely quicky. My dad works alot so its just me and my mom most of the time.

Tomorrow I will be attending Hanasakigawa high school. It was an all girl school but decided to go coed seemed pretty odd but i didnt care as i was eager and excited to live normally, in the orders eyes i still count as an active member but they respect my decision alot at saw it as a beneficial thing for me and agreed not to bother me unless it was a true emergency. If recall one of my friends from the order goes to that school along with a childhood friend of mine i think? Either way this was the first step to a new recovery and to changing the way I lived.


So pretty much this is the prologue. Kinda just gives a general idea of the past of the character plus opening up the story for what is to come really. So like I said im
Farely new at writting so prepare for errors galore so if you see something please say something. Let me know what you think of the story so far as for the chapters well I might be slow to upload simply for a fact that im a busy man but ill try my best. Chapter one and two is already made just needs to be revise before uploading.)

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