Part X

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Sometime later, they arrived inside the church. Father David rapidly made his way to the tabernacle where the communion wine was kept. He took out one of the bottles of red wine and two golden chalices and walked back to Eve who had sat down on the steps leading up to the altar, looking down at the family picture she had kept from the file.

-We will have to put that back. The priest said gravely as he sat down next to her. We will have to put everything back in its rightful place before the night ends.

-I know. Eve replied silently, still her eyes on the picture. She looked happy in this moment.

Father David slid closer to her to peek at the image. He nodded in agreement.

-And he so tranquil, so peaceful. How could such a calm demeanor become so evil? Eve asked mutely, lifting her hand to her lips to prevent a sob.

-"See how wicked people think up evil; they plan trouble and practice deception. The priest cited Psalm 7 grimly. But in the traps they set for others, they themselves get caught."

She turned to gaze at him before posing her eyes on the bottle of wine.

-I wish to have that drink now Father. She sighed sadly, placing the picture on the floor next to her.

The priest nodded, opened the bottle of wine and filled the two chalices up to their respective brims.

He handed one of the cups to the nun. Eve looked at it a moment, tilted her head and looked at him as he drank a large gulp.

-The blood of Christ, I suppose. He said silently, his moustache now stained with purplish-red liquid.

Eve lifted her cup to her lips and drank down a big gulp as well, her upper lips now stained with the maroon fluid.

-I had a dream about these people...About my parents. She said voicelessly, looking down at the wine in her chalice. There was a basement inside the house. He kept her locked down in the cellar.

-I know better now than to qualm you nightmares. The priest replied gravely before drinking down another mouthful.

Eve imitated him, her eyes filled with sorrow.

-I wonder if Gabriella knows who her father was. Father David pondered, sliding his hand inside his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

Eve remained silent as the priest opened the pack and pulled out one of the coffin nails along with a lighter. She tilted her head to gaze at him.

-Perhaps it is better kept a secret. To preserve Father Roberto's memory. He added gravely, placing the cancer stick between his lips.

Eve lifted her hand and took away the cigarette before he could light it. He turned and looked at her.

-They taste like burnt tobacco when we kiss. Eve explained bluntly, flushed.

Father David scratched the back of his neck nervously, clearing his throat, a bashful smile on his lips. Slowly, he took the cigarette from her hand gently and placed it back inside its pack along with the lighter.

-Have you ever been outside these walls? He asked softly, still gazing at her.

-Cloistered nuns do not have permission to leave the premises of their convents. Eve replied, bowing her head. I was satisfied once with this concept, though I must admit, I have wondered at times how life was outside. You have experienced this life Father.

-Yes. Priests do not abide to the same set of rules. The priest replied silently.

-Tell me about the outside world, please. Eve asked silently.

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