Part IX

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In the faintly lit hallway, Father David ran after Abigail who walked in a rapid past back to the main room where the supper was to be given.

-Abigail! He exclaimed, catching up to her.

She continued walking away swiftly, ignoring his plea. Suddenly, he grabbed her shoulder, preventing her from going further.

-Abigail, please wait. He said sternly, making her turn to look at him. What you saw...

-I am no fool Father, I know what I saw. She retorted accusingly, glaring at him. Sin of the flesh.

He remained silent a moment before sighing in resignation.

-I suppose it was. He conceded grimly, looking at her. What shall you do with this information Abigail?

-I will report it to Mother Superior. She said reproachfully.

-Then Sister Eve will be banished. She is your friend, is she not? Father David asked seriously, holding his gaze upon her.

-Y..Yes. Abigail stuttered silently, timidly, her anger slowly replaced with uncertain confusion.

-Then why would you wish her banished? Father David asked her gravely.

-I do not...I would not wish...Abigail stumbled mutely, fumbling with her hands nervously.

-This convent has lived through enough hardship with the passing of Father Roberto. If you inform Mother Superior of this, I will have to relinquish my parish, which I cherish and love with all my might. The priest continued seriously. You would like me begone?

-No Father, I...Abigail whispered silently, looking away with shame.

-My humble suggestion Abigail is to keep silent on what you have witnessed. Father David said sternly, raising one of his dark eyebrows. It is of no one's concern. God is alone with rights to judge.

Abigail remained mute, looking down at her feet.

-It will be soon time for the dinner. Head back to the church entrance and greet our guests. The priest ordered her gravely.

-Very well Father. Abigail obeyed voicelessly with a hint of sadness.

The Reverent walked back to the room where he had left Eve, finding her kneeled before a large, broken crucifix resting on the ground between two stack of chairs, her bare knees pressed against the gravel that covered that section of the unfinished, crypt-like room.

-Please Lord, I bed you, give me the strength to fight the fiend Asmodeus. Please, You who is Almighty and Benevolent...Eve prayed silently, tears rolling down her face.

She fell silent, her admiring gaze detaching itself from the crucifix and falling down on the gravel beneath her knees.

-Please help me. She sobbed mutely, now addressing the creature. I beseech you. Why have you abandoned me? You said you would cherish me forever; why do you ignore my plea?

She felt a hand on her shoulder, softly touching her. She tilted her head and looked at Father David through misty eyes.

-We should return to the room with the others. The dinner will start shortly. The priest said softly, looking down at her tenderly.

He extended his hand to her. She slid hers in his and stood up slowly. Letting go of her shoulder, Father David slowly reached for the skirt of her habit. She remained docile, her cheeks blushing. She wanted to stop him, to restrain him, but did not, offering her submission to him. He grabbed the material in his hand and lifted it up until the upper part of her thigh was exposed. He looked at her cilice-marked, scarred skin a moment before lifting his saddened eyes to her.

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