Part V

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The warmth of a soft touch woke her up. She opened her eyes slowly, the heavy weight of the blankets on her chest. She saw Kathrin sitting next to her bed on a chair, then noticed Father David sitting on the bed next to her, tending to the wound on her head with a damp, warm facecloth. 

-What…happened? She stumbled confused. I was outside and…

-Father David sent me to fetch you, as you were to shovel the snow from the front porch of the church. I found you in the cemetery, you were laying the snow. You had fainted. Kathrin replied with worry. 

-It seems you might have hit your head on a tombstone. The priest added as he continued pressing the wet clothe on her forehead. Do you recall what might have happened?

Eve remained silent, turning her head to avoid his inquisitive eyes.

-I slipped. She replied mutely, posing her sadden eyes on the large crucifix on the wall, the same one Mother Superior had taken from her. 

She sighed morosely as Kathrin turned her head to look at the crucifix as well. As Eve continued admiring the Lord, she leaned forward, looking at Father David.

-Father David, far from my intentions to talk against Mother Superior, Kathrin started seriously. However, I feel like she was a wee harsh with Sister Eve, taking away her crucifix. To punish her for what transpired last night is not fare. Those nails were rusty and…

-I will order the caretaker to take it back. Father David interrupted her. 

-Mother Superior already detests me; this will only increase her aversion. Eve murmured taciturnly. I do not deserve the Lord’s watchful eyes upon me. I am a vile beast.

-Hush now Evie, you know very well this is untrue. Kathrin said sadly, gazing at her friend whose eyes had remained on Jesus.

-He is everything. He is grand, and benevolent and magnificent; I am but the shell of a human. Eve continued morosely. It is right; I do want to embrace it. 

-Who is right Evie? Kathrin asked sadly, looking at her friend with worry.

-Sister Kathrin, I will stay with her. Leave you may now. Father David ordered her. Please inform Mother Superior Sister Eve will not attend the evening prayer. She is unwell to do so.

Kathrin raised her concerned gaze to him before nodding in agreement, obeying his order submissively,  leaving the infirmary, closing the large door behind her. Eve remained silent, her eyes remaining on the Lord. Father David gently took her hand in his.

-What troubles you Sister Eve? The friar asked silently, putting down the cloth on the small night table.

-There was a…man…of sorts….Outside, by the trees. He…It…Eve hesitated quietly, tears forming in her eyes. It knew me.

-Perhaps a relative of one of the parishioner buried in the cemetery. Father David said.

-No Father. It knew no one buried in the God’s acre. However, it knew me. Eve sobbed mutely. It…It was so cold. Its touch was bitter. But somehow…

-It is winter. The friar replied softly as he pressed his other hand on top of Eves. 

-It was no consequences of the weather Father. While...Eve started shamefully as she turned to look at him. While it held me in its arms, I felt warm, as if its embrace filled my body with fire. 

She detached her tearful eyes again, posing her gaze on Jesus once more. 

-I felt shivers running down my spine as it pulled its mouth closer to mine, however, they were not consequences of the bitterness of cold. I…I longed its caress to last incessantly. She sobbed silently before turning and looking at the priest once more. It was the beast of my dreams Father. However, it stood before me, in broad daylight. How is this possible?

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