Ch.6 - A Deal ?!

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I was very hurt I couldn't believe that they would say such thing. And it hurts even more knowing that the person saying it is your idol. 

* Flashback - 5 minutes ago *

I followed them even though I know I shouldn't but I really want to know where they are going and why did they ignore me. I then saw then stop right outside the bathroom so I hide somewhere close by them and waited. I then heard something that hurts me a lot. " did you see her so acting so slutty and she thinks she can beat them in that stupid game ?! ." Lisa continued on by saying " I know and did you see what she is wearing it looks so short and she doesn't even look good in it at all , wait what am I saying she looks so fat !". After hearing that I very hurt. 

* End of Flashback * 

I then ran into another bathroom that is on the first floor and I went in there and felt on the ground hugging my knees while crying. I can't believe it do I actually look like a slut wearing it. Do I look that fat ?! And I'm I that ugly. I continue crying and I didn't even noticed that I feel asleep. I then woke up and looked around I was in the room I woke up in before. I then went in the bathroom to change into something more comfortable because this is really hugging my waist. But then I remembered " She looks so fat , She looks so fat". It just keeps going on to my head that I fell down and hold my head. After a few minutes it got kind of better I quickly change into a cozy outfit and went downstairs to eat. 

Even though I was mad at them I can't stay mad because that's not even going to help and plus I'm hungry

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Even though I was mad at them I can't stay mad because that's not even going to help and plus I'm hungry. Last time I eat when at 11:00 in the morning. I then went down the stairs this time being more careful because I don't want to fall down again. And this time if I fall own they are going to see me. As I went down everyone one looked at me and ask me if I needed anything. I then said " yeah , I'm kind of hurry and I was wondering if there's something for me to eat ". I said then Jisoo unnie said " here , we have left out tteokbokki for yesterday". I then quickly ran to the kitchen and then said " thank you unnie ". She smiled and continued cooking the food for the others. I then went to the dinning table to sit down but I see that it is full. And I was about to sit on the ground when Jinjin asked me " why are you sitting down there ? , there's so much space up here don't be shy we don't bite !". I then sat up again and pointed at Lias and Irene who were putting there legs on the stair next to them. He then put a  'o' face and then asked then if they could move but Irene said " sorry Jungkook and Eunwoo oppa told us the save a seat for them. And then Jinjin was about to say something but got cute off by Lisa. " The others are for Red Velvet and ITZY ". He then made another 'o' face and then got up and pointed his seat to me. I then let out a small smile and then said to him " where are you going to seat ?". He then said " there seats next to the kitchen counter and I will sit there". I then nodded and started seating but I felt like someone was watching me but to be more specific it felt like 2 people were looking at me . So I looked up and indeed it Lisa and Irene looking at me with fire eyes. I guess they didn't want me to take to him too. I sighed and then looked at my bowl again and started eating once again. This time I eat kind of fast because I didn't want to stay there anymore. Once I finished I was about to head to my room but I saw something in a room. I then came closer to see who's room it was and it was.................................. Rocky's room. I then looked in and I decided to talk to him because he was to only one close to me right now . I then knocked on the door. And he said " come in". I then walked in and said " Hey , I just wanted to talk to you about something ". He then quickly sat up and patted his bed telling me to sit on it. I then walked to the bed and sat down and started telling him all about what I heard from Lisa and Irene and how I feel. Once I finished talking I then looked up at him and saw that he kind of had a mad look on his face 

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