Ch. 2 - A Dream ?!

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a man super close to me. He was so close to me that I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I then gulped and said " W-wh-what do y-you wa-ant from m-me ?? ". I then heard a dark chuckled and then heard him say " What do I want from YOU ??!! ". He said with a smirk on his face. " Oh , I want many things from you".  " I want your soul , I want your powers , your smartness , and many others things , but the most important thing is YOUR SOUL ".   That's the last thing I heard as I slowly fainted and fell on to the ground. He then let out another chuckle " oh y/n ( your name ) , I can't wait for you to be gone forever!!". He then laughed like a psychopath. And he continued walking as he dragged my body with him. 

As he walked the wind blow on him and slowly it became more stronger , and stronger . He smirk and said " the time has come!!". He then said some magical creepy words and then *proof* a big cloud of white smoke appeared. And with that he was gone with you in his hands.

I then woke up and saw my mom. I cried and said " mom , I thought you were dead? " . I cried and tried to come up to her to give her a hug . But instead I just walked right through her and fell down. I looked at her and tried to raise my hand up to see if she could see me. But then I heard her say " honey , can you please go out and get more milk for y/n she is running out of it." I then saw my dad walked in and he said " ok , then but remember to be safe okay, it's not safe out there for both of you". My mom then nodded and then dad went to give her a kiss on the forehead and left the house. I then tried to talk to my mom again but she didn't say anything. It was like she was in her own world where she couldn't see me but I can see and hear her. I felt sad because I never really got the see or hear my mom that often because she died when I very very young. I still remember that day clearly and will never forget it. I fell down on my knees and hugged it while crying and crying. 

* Flashback to 16 year ago * 

" Mom mom , look what I got it's a new toy unicorn !!! ". I said as I was wanting it for a very long time . she then smiled at me and said " ok , now that we are done opening presents let's go cut the cake!". She said . I then clapped my hands and went towards the kitchen happily. While my mom was standing there looking at me and smiling , "I have to do this for you and your dad's safety , I'm very sorry I hope that soon you guys will know what I did for you and why I'm even doing this in the first place." She said and then looked down crying. my dad saw her and went up to her and said " hey , what's wrong dear ?? , do you need anything ? ". She shook her head and continued crying . My dad then patted her shoulder and said " what's wrong you can tell me anything. She then lied saying that she was happy for me to grow up so fast. And my dad believed her because he trusted her. And then he said " how about we go to the kitchen y/n and the others are waiting for us . She nodded as her and my dad walked to the kitchen together. 

We were now singing happy birthday to me and I was so happy because I was turning 4 years old !! I heard that if you turn 4 years old you will be very lucky that year. But for me it wasn't , it was to exact opposite . It was just me being unlucky for the whole year and even now too. Right as we finished the singing I blew out my candle and then clapped my hands. I then looked for my mom and I couldn't see her anywhere so I went and asked my dad if he had seen her. And he said that he didn't . We all got worried and started looking for her everywhere. But in the end she was nowhere to be founded. I was crying and crying as my aunt was trying to cheer me up but that didn't work. I then heard some gunshots and I gasped and covered my ears and closed my eyes. But right after I closed my eyes I felt someone pulling me somewhere and so I scream because I didn't opened my eyes because I was too scared. I didn't want to die at that time because I heard one of my friends say that if someone if pulling on you then scream for help. And I did but I was wrong it was my aunt. I then looked up at her as she covered my mouth and telling me the be more quiet. I looked around me to see that I was in a place I never seen or went to before. I wanted to ask her but all I could do right now was cry and cry. But it wasn't helping at this time around. So , she said to me " y/n , your mom and dad have been a target on the BLACK MASK for a while now and today they decided to come here and kill them." She then continued " I know this is a lot for you to take in right now especially because it's your birthday today and also you are still very young , but if you trust me then we can get out of here". I then slowly nodded with tears still in my eyes. My aunt then wiped them and said " ok at the count of thre- ". Right as she finished her sentence another gun shot was heard and this time it sound like it was very closed by. I then put my head down with my hands on my ear and my eyes tight shut. my aunt then continued " on the count of three I'm going to open the door and you and I are going to run super fast okay ?". I nodded and I standed up getting ready to run out of there. When I then hear another gunshot . I then cry again but I heard my aunt say " don't cry it okay and if you cried how are you going to see where to run huh ? ". I then waited a bit for myself to calm down . And then once I was calm again I heard my aunt said " ok three , two , ONE !! " . She said as she busted open the door and me and her started running away. I then I was running to fast and didn't look at where I was going and I tripped over a rock and few down. And I yelled " AUNTYYY !!! " She then looked back at me and came running fro me. But right as she got me in her arms , she saw them coming her directions with guns and some had swords. She then went behind some bushes and then looked at me to se if I was okay. I told her that I was fine. She then pulled out her phone and typed in something. And said " yeah , it just happened can in now ! ". I didn't really know what she meant at that time as for I was still very young and didn't really know much and stuff. I then looked at her and said " who did you called ?". She then looked at me and said " my husband he is going to come here soon to save us okay?". I nodded as we sat there waiting for her husband. 

A fEw MoMenTs LAtER -

I almost fell a sleep because of all this running and stuff. When I heard someone walking towards us I got scared and went closer to my aunt and she hugged me making sure that I was safe. And then I got more scared and I saw someone digging in into the bush we were at and then that person looked down and said " hey , you !! ". We then looked up at the same time and were both shocked to see .........................( who did they see ??? Next chapter coming soon !! ) 

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