Chapter 1: Moving Day...Yay! Note the Heavy Sarcasm There.

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Hey Guys! I'm always looking for a GOOD high school werewolf romance that's just the right amount of clichè... unfortunatley, those are hard to I've decided; if you can't find one, write one! So that's what I'm doing!

I hope y'all like it!

<3 Bri


Chapter 1: Moving Day...Yay! Note the Heavy Sarcasm There.

I wrapped my long, blonde hair up in a messy bun...attempting to keep it off my sweat slick face. My blue eyes shined as I looked up at the hot, late-summer sun.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I thought about all I had to leave behind in this move, this move from my home in the friendly south of cow pastures and hot summer days, swimming in the creek to the unknown and untamed plains and forests of Nebraska ... my home, my friends, my school right before my senior year began; all gone. 

Well, changed. A change I wasn't too happy about.

I sighed again as I lifted ANOTHER box marked "kitchen" in black Sharpie onto this god-forsaken moving truck.

I had been hauling these freaking boxes to the moving truck for about two hours now, and mom is STILL packing more...fml.

"Mom! Seriously?! HOW can you possibly still be packing kitchen stuff?" I whine as I head back into the kitchen to find my mother shoving even MORE bowels and miscellanious kitchen necessities into a box.

She looked up with a tired grin on her face. Her dark, ebony hair sticking every which way while she struggled with a tape gun. She gazed at me with her bright blue orbs as she started in on me.

"Come on Rose! Not much longer, and we'll be outta here!" She cheers

"Now take this box to the truck without too much complainin', would ya?" She drawled. Though originally from Nebraska, her transplant southern accent comes out when she's tired...and REALLY mad.

I grinned and gritted my teeth, grabbing  the box as I started my trek outside to the truck.

It's funny... I thought, My mom and I moved here to Alabama from Nebraska with my older sister Dawn when mom was pregnant with me. Dawn was eight, and a handful. Grandma Lily wanted us to leave and get a "fresh start" somewhere new.

Well, 17 years later and mom wants to move back. Grandma Lily is sick and needs our help around the house.

Although, I feel like there's some other reason my mom all of a sudden wants to up and leave that she's not telling me.

Oh well, I thought, either way it's me and mom moving away from our home for so many years to be with the lady that convinced us to leave in the first place.

You see, with Dawn all grown up and married with children now, it's just been me and momma for a while. Dawn and I have different daddies and neither have been in our lives for different reasons.

Dawn's dad was on drugs so bad, he over dosed when Dawn was three and we haven't seen him since.

My dad died when my mom was pregnant with me...massive stroke.  Mom never moved on from my dad, Allen. She always talks about he was her soul mate. It makes me sad to think about everything I've missed with him. All Mom misses.

I sighed as I came out of my reverie, manuveuring my way through the jungle of our moving trucks backside to where the boxes were. This thing was getting heavy.

"Rosalee!!" My sister yelled from the house. She was seven months pregnant, but still came to help pack with her husband and my nephew, Dylan.

He looked just like his momma, with his dark, curly hair and hazel eyes...he had my high cheek bones though. Something I was secretly happy about; a little bit of me in a new part of my family.

However, Dyl wasn't much help, considering he was two.

"Wha- at?" I called in a sing-song voice, making my way over to my whale of a sister. I guess that's what pregnancy does to you, I thought dryly.

"Would you help Brandon with that couch?" She asks with big doe eyes and an innocent smile.

I groan "Why can't you TRY?" She just gave me a look that said "Haha, now help."

I did as she asked and, eventually, we were done and saying our goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss y'all so much!" My sister practically screamed while wailing in my ear. I just hugged her back and hushed her till the hormones wore off.

That part of my big sister, I was NOT going to miss.

I squezzed Dyl and Brandon goodbye while my mom and Dawn cried over each other until, finally, Brandon pulled his very pregnant, very hormonally insane wife off our mom and we climbed in the truck.

"I love you!" I yelled out the passenger window as mom started down our curvy road.

I sighed as we reached the I-59 out of Alabama.

Mom squezzed my hand as a tear slid down my face as we left our home for the last 17 years.

I looked out to the cloudless, clear blue, summer sky that Alabama was famous for as we passed the "You Are Now Leaving Alabama the Beautiful" sign.

"Momma?..." I trailed off

"Yeah, baby?" My mother questioned.

"When we get to Grandma Lily's..." I began, "Can I have first pick of the rooms?" I grinned at my mom, trying to lighten the mood in the car.

Mom laughed and shook her head. "You sure do know how to make me laugh, Rosie" she grinned at me and I harrumphed; that was her nice way of saying "No."

I just snuggled into the wide car seat, trying to get comfortable. I would have to drive soon, and I needed to sleep while I could.


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<3 Bri

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