Chapter 3: New girl...

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He y'all! Sorry it's been so long! You don't even know how long it took me to write this! Gah! Anyways...thanks for reading! Tell me what you think? <3 Bri


BRIIINNNNGGGG!!! Goes my alarm clock...ugh.

School today and I guess that's okay. I mean, if it WASN'T 6:00 am and all; how bad can it be, right?

I sighed as i pushed the covers off me and padded off to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth.

I wasn't much of a morning person, I thought as i looked at the bags under my eyes in the full length mirror in my bathroom.

I didn't get the best nights sleep ever.

New house.

New room.

New animals making noises outside my bedroom window until 2:00 am. 

I kinda put me to sleep at first but, come on! Don't animals sleep too?!

I hushed my inner monolouge as i walked back into my room to see Aunt Rainy bouncing up and down on my bed with a HUGE grin on her face.

"Good Morning!!!" She says in a sing-song voice. Wow...someone's a morning person, I thought wryly.

I look at her with a blank stare, not in the mood for her perkiness so early in the morning.

"Morning..." I mumbled as i walked past her to my closet. I had to get ready before I was late!

Huh...late on my first day...what would my classmates think? I asked myself in mock horror, grinning once again.

"I just wanted to see if you had figured out what you're gonna wear to school for your first day is all!" Aunt Raine spoke from my bed, her bouncing halted, but her face still held her smile.

I turned to her with my grin still in place, "I think I got it covered, but thanks for the thought!" I added, with a fake cheeriness. I may not be an early bird but I didn't wanna be mean to my Aunt. She was just trying to help.

Her smile faltered but she soon recovered it as she walked towards me in the closet, still holding shirts up to my body as i looked in the mirror.

"I like the purple one, with the white lace." She commented and smiled as I held it up to my form and grinned.

"Hmmm, I like it too! I think we found a winner! Thanks." I smiled and hugged my Aunt for her help...I really did love the top.

"Anytime" she murmered as she walked out my door and down the stairs...she was probably getting breakfast ready.

As i changed into said purple lace top and my favorite dark blue boot-cut jeans with matching white flats, I gazed at myself one last time in my full length mirror before deciding that I was ready.

I walked downstairs and looked at my was 7:45 am. I was gonna be late if i didn't high tail it!

I grabbed an apple and waved to Mom, Grandma Lily, and Aunt Rainey as they were huddled around our small kitchen table, drinking coffee as I made my way outside and to the side walk.

I had to walk to school since it was 2 miles down the road. That and the fact I didn't have a car...still.

I sighed and bit into my apple as I checked my phone again to see the time. 7:57 am.

Dang! I was gonna be late seeing as, even if I ran the remaining mile and a half, I wouldn't get there by 8:15.

I sighed and just continued to walk...can't slow down time, no matter how bad I don't wanna be late.

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