Chapter 5: Firsts

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Chapter 5

We were quickly joined by the rest of the students in the Great Hall. The whispers were loud, but I kept mine extra quiet.

“Why do you think he came here?” Hope asked. “I’ve wondered since the beginning if maybe, maybe he wanted to see me.”

“I don’t know,” I muttered. “I kinda wish that was why, but I have trouble believing he’d risk being caught in the castle to visit us.”

“Do you think he’s here?”

I shrugged, “If he is they won’t find him.”

“Sky,” Hermione said grabbing my arm. “C’mon.” We walked over to a corner and sat together. I tried to ignore the conversations. It was so unfair, and I knew better.

A few hours after dark, I heard the teachers whispering darkly behind us. I opened my eyes briefly to see Harry staring back at me.

Over the next few days we all noticed the differences in the teachers. Teachers were following Harry more closely, and it was a miracle if he managed to ditch Percy. McGonagall, Lupin, and Snape all seemed to watch Hope and me closely. The other teachers didn’t know exactly what was going on with us, but they all seemed more nervous with us as well.

“So what’s causing the little blush thing you’ve got going on?” I asked Hope elbowing her.

I saw her eyes dart and she shook her head. I sighed. We were in the middle of potions with Slytherin and I needed something to think about.

A boy knocked our desk and quickly picked up Hope’s ingredient that he’d dropped. It was a Slytherin boy I didn’t know. He had dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He was wearing dark jeans, a light grey sweater, a messy white button down shirt, and a Slytherin tie you could barely see. In fact the tie was the only sign I had that he was in Slytherin at all.

“My bad,” He said smiling.

Hope bit her lip, “It’s fine, Louis.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered. “You are so dating.”

Both blushed bright red, “No we aren’t.” He stuttered out. “You’re Gryffindor, and I’m Slytherin.”

“I’m not stupid,” I whispered. “Wow. Who would have guessed?”

“Please don’t say anything,” Hope muttered. “Remus would kill me.”

“Why? Dating a sworn enemy, keeping secrets from him, or sneaking around?” I giggled, “You’re secret is safe with me.”

After he’d walked away I turned to her shocked, “He’s cute. And he seems decent enough, despite being a Slytherin.”

“He’s really sweet. I like him a lot.”


“His name is Louis Harkins. As you pointed out he’s a Slytherin. We’ve been dating for a week.”

“How’d you meet?” I pried.

She giggled, “I was wandering outside. You were watching one of the Quidditch practices, Hermione was studying, and Ron was doing God knows what. The rain had just gotten heavier, and I was getting soaked. He came over with an umbrella and asked why a beautiful girl like me was alone in the rain and offered to walk me to the castle in the dry. We ended up talking.”

“That’s sweet.” I said giggling.

“Girls,” Snape yelled as he swooped over. “Can you please stop giggling and work? Five points from Gryffindor.”

“Yes sir,” We both mumbled. He may have put up with me, but he hated Hope. She looked too much like a Black. Her hair was black, although it was straight. She had her mom’s freckles and eye shape, but the color was all her dads. Snape hated her, and it was more because of her dad than anything else. It was why he liked me, and hated Harry. He couldn’t see past his own childhood.

Finally class ended and as we were leaving Louis came over, “Hey Hope. Do you have a class right now?”

“No,” She said biting her lip.

“Miss Black,” Snape said approaching the doorway. “Could you please get out of my classroom and stop annoying my students?”

I gently pushed them both out the door and smiled as they walked away. I was happy for Hope. She seemed ecstatic about her relationship, and I was glad. She deserved to feel that happy.

A few days later Hope, Hermione, and I were heading into Defense when we stopped in our tracks. Snape sat in Lupin’s desk. Hope almost immediately adjusted and went to sit down, but Hermione and I took a minute.

From the moment we started Snape’s lesson I knew he had an ulterior motive. He never did things for no reason. When I got back to the common room I sat thinking when I recalled Snape giving Lupin the potion.

“I’ll be back!” I said quickly running out of the room and down to the dungeon. Luckily Snape was there, and not teaching. “You hate Lupin, but that I understood. He was friends with my father. Maybe not as much as the others, but you hated him. That’s why when you gave him that potion we were confused. You don’t do nice things for people, especially him. He has the job you want and you hate him. Then today you taught his class. Normally it would just be cancelled if he was ill.”

“The point, Miss Potter?” He asked raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, “You taught that lesson trying to get him fired. Professor Lupin’s a werewolf.”

“I did no such thing,” He said simply. “Now don’t you have homework to do?”

I laughed, “You say that like I’m gonna write that paper.” Still laughing, I skipped out of the room.

The first Quidditch game had finally come and we were up by fifty points. Harry was after the snitch when I saw them. Dementors. I felt the cold spread through me in an instant and as I blacked out I saw Harry fall from the sky.

I woke up and just as I got into the hospital wing I saw Ron and Hermione showing Harry something. When I got closer I saw what it was. His broom was shattered and destroyed. I didn’t know exactly what had happened, but it was done. You could tell from one glance that no one could repair the damage to the old broom.


So I'm not dead! Yay! Sorry I poofed on you all. I really didn't mean to, life just got busy. Hope you love this chapter.

Merry Christmas/ Happy Winter/Happy summer!

What do you think of Hope secretly dating a Slytherin? What are your thoughts on interhouse dating?

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