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"sapnap! be quiet, they're still sleeping" 

"it's two in the afternoon george, i wanna go to the beach." 

"when have you ever gone outside voluntarily? anyways we can go when they wake up." 


a new voice joins the conversation. 

"guys shut the hell up, he's still asleep." ava maneuvers so she's out of his arms, and standing. rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she stretches and makes her way to the kitchen, george and sapnap following her. 

"do you have any pancake mix?" george asks, eagerly, having more energy than the other two people in the room with him. ava looks over at him, her eyes at half mast, and wonders how he has so much energy. 

she looks around timidly, not really hearing what george had said, so he took matters into his own hands, searching the cabinets for any sign of the mix. 

he slumps back to his original height, letting out a huff. "what kind of person doesn't have pancake mix?" he asks, shaking his head. 

sapnap decides to take the easier route, grabbing bread and the toaster. "ugh, sap you genius." ava smiles, energy slowly filling her body. "i'm going to go wake up dream. he's gotta eat." ava mumbles, easing herself off of the bar stool she was sat in. 

she stood admiring him for a second, he looked so peaceful. too bad. he was cute, but not cute enough to where she wouldn't wake him up. 

she shook his shoulder lightly, "dream" he stirs, but doesn't wake. she repeats her actions, this time, using his name. "clay, wake up." his eyes open slightly.

"good morning" he groans, and rolls over. "no, get up. sapnap is making food." she rests her hand on his shoulder, and shaking once again. he turns back slowly, peeking one eye open. 

"food?" he asks, his voice raspy from sleeping. "i don't wanna get poisoned" he pulls the blanket over his head. 

"stop being cute, you're making me want to kiss you. now, get up, we have plans today" with that final statement, ava makes her way back to the kitchen. she's met with two slices of toast, and a smirking sapnap. 

"okay, weirdo." she mutters, taking a bite. "thank you by the way." 

""i wanna kiss you dream, ooh. i love you dream'" he imitates her, and her face flushes. "stop it, idiot. oh my god. i hate you." 

"hey, i'm not the one who wants to kiss my best friend." 

"shut up, i don't want to kiss you. gross."

"i'm your best friend?" 

"no, i said that because i hate you." she sighs, "sapnap, you are an idiot sometimes." dream walks in at that moment. "i agree, sapnap is an idiot. thank you for the food, man" he grabs the final slice off of ava's plate, and she lets him. "that wasn't yours. dumbass. and i'm the idiot" sapnap responds, and slides a different plate toward him. "where's george?" dream asks, rolling his eyes and taking the plate. 

"in the bathroom, doing what? i couldn't tell you." 

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

dream and ava walk slightly behind george and sapnap, talking about little things, they were on their way to the beach, as it was only four in the afternoon. yeah, it took them a while to leave the apartment, but it was a small walk to the ocean front.

he slung an arm around her shoulder, leaning over so he could whisper in her ear. "next time you want to kiss me, just do it." now when got this bold was unbeknownst to him, but he enjoyed it. 

the fluttery feeling that entered ava's stomach didn't leave, the pink tint covered her cheeks, and stayed there the entirety of the walk. she was the bold one, and he was more on the shy side, he had such an effect on her, and yet, she didn't want to admit it. 

oh, how it felt, her toes in the sand. the warmth spreading through her body. the barely there breeze from the ocean rustled ava's hair, and dream reached over, tucking the loose strands behind her ear.

"race you, george" sapnap says, taking off, dropping his towel and rushing toward the water. george follows, letting his towel float to the ground as well. 

"huh," ava sets her things down gently, "race you pretty boy." she starts running, dream was confused, but followed anyway. his legs were longer, but her head start caused her to reach the water before him. "no fair, you cheated." 

"you're just slow." she splashed a bit of water at him. 

he splashed some back, and she dives in the water, swimming away. when she emerges, he's right next to her. 


they swam out far enough to where the water was waist height for the tall male. he wrapped his arms around her, and lifted her so she was a bit closer to his height. 

"hey," she chuckles nervously, placing her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. dream was distracted, mapping out her features, memorizing them. 

the bright green on her eyes.

the curve of her lips, 

the dip where her jaw meets her neck. 

only one thing plagued his mind. 

ava's eyes were locked with his, the green of them absorbing her, she leans in. 

he leans in. 

her eyes flutter close.

as do his. 

their lips meet. 

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