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"george! get back here, i need to get the win. it'll be the funny number. please!" ava shouts at her best friend, chasing him through their minecraft world. "no! i don't care about the funny number ava! i want to win!" he shouts back at her, traversing up the big mountain. he was streaming, and they were racing to the top of this mountain they had found. 

"oh god, i hate you" she mutters, making it to the base of the mountain.


"shut up. you're british." 

"so are you?" 

ava rolls her eyes, continuing to make her way up the mountain. she had found staircase practically leading the the top, so as swiftly as she could, ava guided her character along the mountain. 

she hops up onto the final block, securing her win. "hell yeah! let's go. you're bad george!" she cheers, pressing shift repeatedly. george sighs, leaning back in his chair. 

"hey, good job." george smiles. and ava thanks him before having to head off. saying she had school work to be done. george decides to end stream. he had been going for quite a while. he was tired and could use a nap. 

- - - - - -

dream was watching the stream. he was observing ava, trying to figure out why he had such a bad feeling toward her. genuinely he did not know why. it was the gut feeling. 

she was pretty funny, he'd give her that. he'd laughed at some of the things she'd said on stream. even the the brand new discord groupchat they had. 

he decided to message her. to try and figure it out. 

he sent the friend request, and after a few minutes, it got accepted. 

dream begins to type out his first message. 


dream: hey. 

ava: uh hi? 

dream: how are you? 

ava: i'm doing okay. how are you?

dream: pretty good pretty good.

ava: i'm sorry, i definitely don't want to make you not like me more, but why are you messaging me?

dream: just wanted to chat. no one else was available

ava: ah i see. 

ava: i'm sorry but i don't know if i can do this, you don't like me, and i don't really have an opinion on you, so i'm going to go. 

ava: i hope your friends are active soon. 

ava: bye dream. 

- - - - - - - - 

dream frowns, maybe he shouldn't have been such an asshole at first. 

he gets up to go talk to sapnap about it. he wants to figure out a way to apologize, and maybe try and figure out why he was having such a bad feeling. he pushes away from his desk, getting up and leaving his room. 

"hey, nick" sapnap looks over at the sound of his voice. it was quieter than usual. "what's up, dude?" 

"about ava," he begins, as soon as her name leaves his lips, nick's full focus is on him. "I was kind of an ass to her, and about her" nick scoffs

"a bit more than kind of."

"i know, and i want to apologize. but she won't necessarily talk to me."

"i don't know how to help you there, man." 

dream groans, making himself comfortable on the bed. "can i at least have an idea, what does she like to do? what is her favorite color? where does she live? i can send her something." 

"she lives in tampa, that's all i know, her favorite color is yellow, she likes to yell at me and play minecraft. she likes to have stupid conversations in the middle of the night. she likes to have someone on call with her while she does schoolwork. her favorite flower is yellow roses, because they symbolize friendships. and she adores her friends. especially george. you'd know these things if you didn't automatically decide to hate her. we talk all the time. ava is easily one of my closest friends after you guys." sapnap's talking was interrupted by dream standing suddenly, and leaving the room. 

dream had soaked up all the information, and wanted nothing more than to get her forgiveness.

- - - - - - - - 

ava sat alone in the vc of their 'fucking losers' groupchat the next day, hoping one of her friends would join. she wanted someone to talk to. she also finished her drawing of george and sapnap, she wanted to give it to them. 

the noise of someone finally joining the chat surprised her. "sapnap. it took you long enough. how's your math stuff coming along?" 

little did she know, it wasn't sapnap. 

dream clears his throat, "hey, um i know you may not want to speak with me, but i have to tell you something." he sounded nervous. why? ava wondered, if anything she's the one who should be nervous. "oh. uh, okay. go ahead i guess." 

he wastes no time. "i'm sorry. for it all. i know i was kind of an ass. you didn't deserve that. it's just, i had this really bad feeling about you. and i know it sounds fucked up but-" ava cuts him off 

"before you keep going. i forgive you. i was wondering why, because i didn't really do anything. that i knew of. but it's okay. just a misunderstanding. right?" 

dream lets out an audible sight of relief. "yeah. just a misunderstanding. we're cool?" 

"sure, but it's kind of weird now. i don't know anything about you. if you have a good taste in music, then we can be friends. tell me about yourself" 

so he does. 

- - - - - - - - - - -


lol hi

i had such a good idea for this, then it turned out like this. oops 

also i thought about this for a total of five minutes, but this book will be abt 10-15 chapters long i think. maybe more if i don't finish the plot in that amount. 

anyways. ty for reading. i appreciate it <3 

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