Chapter 10

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Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan are speechless at their seats as they heard the real condition of Mian from Da Qing. After Mian was fainted in the kitchen and they brought her to the hospital, Mian is given under the care of Da Qing since that sickness is the expertise of Da Qing in medical field. Zhao Yunlan can't believe what was he heard now about Mian. More surprised to him when he knows Mian is sick before he met with her back then in that bar.

''Zhao Yunlan, I am sorry to tell you that she hid her sickness from you and all because she didn't want you to sympathy to her. She rathers left you back then just to not let you know about her sickness. At first, she worked with your dad because she needed the money to buy her medicines and for her treatment. But in the end she fell in love with you,'' Hun explained to Zhao Yunlan that still speechless on that seat while Mrs. Shen is the ICU to accompany Mian at there.

''What's happened back then, Hun? Tell me now! I want to know everything what was happened to her and why did she cheat on me, betray on me?'' Zhao Yunlan asked made Shen Wei feels jealous to hear that ask and to see that worry face of Zhao Yunlan now over Mian.

'Will he leave me behind after this since now he already knows what's happening to Mian? Will I lose him soon?' Shen Wei inwardly asked to herself for her worry to see the changing of Zhao Yunlan's reaction now towards Mian.

Hun sighs to think for what was happened back then.

''Yunlan, I admitted that when you met her on that night, she was seduced you for her work with your dad. She worked in that bar to serve any VIP and VVIP in a special rooms. At that time she already knows that she is sick. She is diagnosed as a leukimia patient and she struggled to work in that bar to earn money to buy her medicines and pay her treatment in the hospital. On that night, she met with your dad and your dad offered her a job using her beautiful face and body. As she wanted the money at that time, she accepted your dad's offer to seduce you and had a harsh did with you. You know what I mean, right?'' Hun honestly told as he didn't want to hide anything from this guy anymore as well as from this girl who is known as Mian's twin sister.

Zhao Yunlan nods admitted the harsh did with Mian before he met with Shen Wei. Mian always asked him to have a harsh did instead of gentle. At first, Zhao Yunlan felt weird for that request but in the end he was drowned in that harsh did with Mian till he always carried away when he was taken Shen Wei before he slowly changed now to be gentle to his current wife.

''You bought Mian from that bar owner and you just wanted Mian to love you and you too loved only her. But as Mian's heart kept falling to you, Yunlan, your dad noticed it and he threatened Mian with Mian's mother, Mrs. Shen. He injected the drug to her mother till that old woman being like you see now. But worse than now. Mrs. Shen can't talk or even sit before this after that drug kept eating her organ alive. Mian can't do anything unless to betray you, to cheat on you. She called Da Qing to come to your house on that day to trap him and lied to you that she had slept with Da Qing. She planned that lie to you. She made Da Qing slept and she let you saw it when you came back from your work, Yunlan. She held her pain and hurt feeling for all your words to her just to make you fell on her plan. Just to make her escape from you. So that, she will not continuously lied on you, Yunlan,'' Hun told again.

''She planned that to use Da Qing? Da Qing, do you know it?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to confirm.

Da Qing shakes his head as he himself is surprised to know that.

''Da Qing didn't know her plan and he just fell for the trap. I was the one who removed Da Qing's clothes on that day, not Mian. I helped her to complete that plan. And it's successful. Mian was escaped but she failed to run away from your dad when your dad caught her in front of your house on the next day. Like it or not, she followed your dad when your dad threatened her to kill her mother. Since that, your dad conquered her while sent you to the psychiatric hospital. A few weeks later, her sickness was worsened. She should be hospitalized but your dad didn't allow it as your dad scared if the hospital knows that your dad made her as a s*x slave to him and his peoples. I can't help to hear her screamed for the pain when your dad and his peoples did that to her. I was guarding her room 24/7. I can't help to hear all of the things they did to her till one day I tricked all of them including your dad with the sleeping drinks. I drugged them all and I helped Mian and her mother to escape. It's hard for us to escape with two sickness women. But Mian is tough to hold her pain and we were successfully escaped from them,'' Hun continued his story.

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