Chapter 3

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Author's note:
There is matured content in this chapter. Please beware. Thanks.


Zhao Yunlan silently eating the dinner that Shen Wei cooked. For him, it's really delicious. It's wasted for whoever didn't taste her cook including her father. Zhao Yunlan admitted that Shen Wei is really good in cooking. This is one of the differentiate between Shen Wei and Mian he knows. Mian never cook for him, but always clingy like a child. Mian never eat by herself but always asked him to spoon feed. Zhao Yunlan looks at Shen Wei that silently eating in front of him. That face...

'Why is my blood keep boiling to see her same face as Mian? Is she really Mian? Or someone else?' Zhao Yunlan inwardly whined.

'Why is he looking at me like that like he is unsatisfied with me? Is my cooking meals are not delicious for his taste?' Shen Wei also inwardly asked in her mind.

Zhao Yunlan backs to his eating while trying to calm down his boiling heart to think of Mian that cheating on him back then. But his heart is still beating for mad. He silently sighs for his frustration. His action made Shen Wei feels uncomfortable at her seat to eat her dinner. She puts down her chopsticks and she wanted to walk away but then a voice prevented her from doing it.

''Where are you going?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''Wash... Wash my dishes. I am done with eat,'' Shen Wei told.

''Done? But you didn't eat much,'' Zhao Yunlan worryingly said.

''I don't have an appetite to eat. You can eat...''

''Come here!'' Zhao Yunlan cut Shen Wei's words.

''Sorry?'' Shen Wei asked back.

''I said come here now! Put that down!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered.

Shen Wei swallows hard with her scare to see Zhao Yunlan's serious face. But still she walks closer to Zhao Yunlan after she put down her dishes. Zhao Yunlan pulls her to his laps made Shen Wei feels more uncomfortable to sit on that guy's laps as she can feel something is poking behind her. She swallows hard again to feel that.

''Eat this!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered again while spooning feed the meals to Shen Wei's mouth.

Shen Wei hesitated to do that as no one ever spoon feed her before this. Zhao Yunlan is the first one does that even though in a harsh way.

''Eat this now! I don't want to see my wife is sick because of lost appetite! Eat now!'' Zhao Yunlan ordered again while spooning feed to Shen Wei made that poor girl opens her mouth to eat.

Zhao Yunlan keeps spooning her with the meals till finish since he already ate a lot from those meals when Shen Wei didn't eat before this. Shen Wei can't help to finish her own cooking meals by the spooning from this guy that didn't give any expression face emotion.

''Enough please... I can't...'' Shen Wei pushed the next spoon made Zhao Yunlan sighs while putting his spoon in the bowl.

''Please remember that I won't see you be sick in front of me because of you skip the meals. Don't skip your meals after this, understood?'' Zhao Yunlan warned.

Shen Wei nods with her scare. Zhao Yunlan smiles and he catches those pinky rosy lips of his wife. He gives a rough kisses on Shen Wei's lips made that girl wanted to prevent but unexpectedly happens when Zhao Yunlan pushed all the dishes on the table and he hovers Shen Wei on the table while tearing the clothes of his wife.

''No, please... Not here...'' Shen Wei tried to prevent but not avail when Zhao Yunlan pulled her hair making her faces Zhao Yunlan's face for an inch.

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