Chapter 1

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Shen Wei is happy to see a new clothes and healthy meals from her father on that day. At first she is wondering for why did her father suddenly being kind but then when her father said that her father won a gambling, then Shen Wei feels assured. Even though she hates her father to involve in alcohol and gambling, but she can't do anything to advice her father.

Every time Shen Wei advised her father, just a hit and kick will reach to her body. So, she just silents to avoid the hurt from her own father. Shen Wei didn't want to make her father mad at her. To see her father is happy like this is enough for her to be happy too. She is hardly to see her father to be happy like this and today is a good chance for her to see that happy face of her father after a long times they live together.

''Eat more, Wei! I will buy you another if you still not enough. All for you, my daughter,'' Mr. Shen said.

Shen Wei nods with her beautiful smile. Mr. Shen silently stares on his daughter that having the special lunch for today. Inside his heart, he is crying for what he will do to his daughter soon.

'I am sorry, Wei. I need to do this. Or else, I will be prison and you will be a prostitute. Since he promised me to make you happy after this, I am rather let you marry him and clear my debt,' Mr. Shen inwardly cried in his heart to think of his daughter.

Mr. Shen loves his daughter but because of his pressure life, he involved in alcohol and gamble. He caused his daughter suffered for his hit and kick to his daughter. He caused his daughter to work by herself to pay the school fees. He let his daughter is suffering in her school life. He was possessed by the alcohol every time he hit and kick his daughter. He hates that but he is pressured, stress and depressed for his own life after he divorced from his ex-wife back then.

''Eat more, Wei. This evening, I want to bring you to meet with my friend. He wants to meet you. He wants to treat us a dinner,'' Mr. Shen said.

''Your friend? Treat us dinner? Why?'' Shen Wei asked.

''Today is your birthday, right? So my friend offered to celebrate your birthday. Come with me this evening, okay?'' Mr. Shen persuaded.

''Oh, yes! I forgot that today is my birthday. Thank you, father to remember it!'' Shen Wei replied and she continues her eating while Mr. Shen keeps staring on her beautiful face that he will lose soon.

As the evening comes, Mr. Shen brings Shen Wei to a bar made Shen Wei frowns a little but then her father assured her that his friend makes a surprise birthday party for her at there. So, she just following her father to that bar. Her father brings her to the one of VIP rooms and a guy is waiting for them inside there. There are also a few bodyguards inside and outside of that room.

''Wei, come here! This is my friend that want to meet you. His name is Zhujiu. And Zhujiu, this is my daughter, Shen Wei,'' Mr. Shen introduced them two and Zhujiu smiles annoyingly for Shen Wei's sight.

Shen Wei swallows hard to see this guy with that purple hair and annoying face and smile. She can't believe that his father is befriend with this guy.

''She is indeed beautiful, Shen Nong! Well, come here, sweetie! Sit at my side,'' Zhujiu said but Shen Wei tried to not go closer to him.

''Wei, he asked you,'' Mr. Shen said made Shen Wei frowns.

''But father...''

''Come here I said!'' Zhujiu cut Shen Wei's words as he pulled Shen Wei to his hold made Mr. Shen clenches his fists to see that but he is afraid to interrupt.

''Err... let me go...'' Shen Wei stuttered in Zhujiu's hold.

''Why should I when your father already sold you to me. Shen Nong, take that money and leave now!'' Zhujiu ordered made Shen Wei widens her eyes for a shock.

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