chapter two: you're still alive, i see

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Luna's POV

Luna didn't know exactly how it happened, but she ended up finding herself hiding with Harry Potter, searching Hogwarts Express for Draco Malfoy and his best friend Blaise Zabini.

"Ok, Lu, you understand my plan, right?" Harry turned to her after peering into another compartment.

"Yes, Harry," she murmured, biting her nails dreamily, "We will find their compartment, then we will dust-bomb it, then I will hide under the invisibility cloak, and I shall record their conversations."

"Okay... okay..." Harry seemed unnecessarily nervous.

"Are you quite alright, Harry?" Luna said, turning to him.

"Yeah, yeah.." he muttered absentmindedly, scratching at his scar, wincing slightly, "Scar hurts a bit, is all."

A wave of realisation came over Luna. "Did it hurt when we were in the carriage?"

"Not this much.." Harry said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Lulu?"

"Well, if you're thinking that your scar hurts because we are near the possible death eaters, then I think so."

"Yes!" Harry practically yelled, "That is what I was thinking!"

Just as Luna was about to say something else, Harry looked up over her head and began to glare at someone. She turned to see who. Oh no. It was the group of Ravenclaws that constantly made her life hell. But being the person she was, instead of glaring at them too, Luna smiled.

"Hello, everyone," she said, "How are you?"

"Well hello, Loony," the tallest one, Luc Meyer, said, sneering. "You're still alive, I see. I guess you haven't driven yourself to a cliff yet. What a shame." The others laughed loudly.

Harry gasped and turned his glare directly on Luc. "Why don't you kindly go fuck off back to the little hole that you came from, Meyer?" He snarled, "I am so sick of seeing you hurting Luna. Go away, all of you sad sods."

Luc turned to Harry. "If isn't Potter himself. The Chosen One. It makes sense for you to be with Loony. First, you took the nerd and the... well, the ginger, Granger and Weasley. Then, you took the quiet, nervous one. Longbottom, is it? I don't even know, he's so invisible. Anyway, now you have the loon. Good for you."

The boys around him snickered.

Harry had his fists tightly clenched at his side, his knuckles going white. "That's not true. Piss off, Meyer, that's not- not true."

Luc always had a way of getting to people, probably one of the main reasons he was in Ravenclaw. He could immediately find a person's weak spot, like he had already found for Harry. But for some reason, he never found Luna's. That was why he continued to torment her.

"So, Loony," his sidekick, Andrew Schwabb said, smirking. "How was your summer? Have fun with your crazy father? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh."

Luna looked at him, putting a hand through her hair and parting her lips slightly. His face immediately reddened. Jackpot. "I did, actually. Thank you for asking, Andrew. You're too kind."

No matter how many times she hit them with the kindness against scorn, they still seemed confused.

"Well, thank you for talking to me and Harry, but we really must be going." Luna grabbed Harry's arm, and turned on her heel, walking further down the hallway. She could already hear the group of Ravenclaws laughing and joking behind them.

Harry turned back to glare at the spot that they'd been. "I thought they'd left you alone, Lu." He sighed, "You have to show them they aren't all high and mighty."

"Oh, it's nothing really. Besides, we have a job to do, Harry. Let's go."

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