The End Game

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Jen's POV

Edison's sister and I met in the afternoon. We went to the nearest park and sat on the swings next to each others. I can't believe that the waitress that always served my orders in my favorite coffee shop is Edison's elder sister.

"Ah... I want to apologize for what I did to your brother, ma'am. I hope... the two of you can still forgive me." I said shyly as I looked at her who's keeping a straight face. I know what I did to her brother is too cruel that's why I want to apologize.

"I know what you did is wrong but... you've changed Edison." She said with a smile but her eyes looks sad. "He's no longer a playboy but...he's not a bubbly person anymore. You broke his heart into million pieces, Jennica Torres."

I felt more guilty knowing that Edison lost her brightness because of me. But until now, I'm still scared to believe that a playboy like him is honestly in love with me now.

"He really fell in love with you. My little brother fell in love for the first time because of you." She said surprising me. Her words made me feel more guilty. "But you broke his heart for the first time too."

I felt the fast beating of my heart and my memories with Edison flashes back into my mind. We had a lot of happy and sad memories together but what I treasured the most is the image of him smiling and laughing with me. He is so handsome and his smile is so pure whenever we're together. I'm such a fool for not noticing his pure innocent love for me.

"I- I think I'm in love with him too but..." I said with tears rolling down from my eyes. "I want to talk to him, apologize and ask for a second chance but... I don't think I deserve a second chance. I don't think I deserve his true love."

"Don't say that, Jennica. I'm pretty sure that Edison will forgive you if you will talk to him and apologize. Just be honest and sincere in your own feelings." She said smiling at me.

"I felt scared that's why I broke up with Edison. I don't want to be trap in my own decoy that's why I broke up with him even though... my heart doesn't want to let him go." I said honestly. I realized that I'm in love with Edison but too bad, it's too late for us now.

"Edison deserves a second chance, Jennica. He's no longer a playboy because of you." Madison said looking straight into my eyes. "I hope you will give him another chance to prove his love for you, Jennica Torres."

I nodded but sighed heavily once more. "Another chance? Edison deserves it but... what about me? Do I deserve his love for me? I don't think so, Madison."

"Don't say that. Just talk with my brother and tell him your honest feelings for him. I know that he's still crazy in love with you." Madison said making me smile bitterly. "Stop being stubborn. Just follow your heart and please, don't break my brother's heart for the second time. Edison deserves to be loved, Jennica."

I smiled purely then nodded at her who smiled back at me. It's good to had a talk with a kind and mature woman like her.

'I hope for a happy ending in our love story, Edison .'

End of Jen's POV


"What if he won't come, Alice? What if he's not yet ready to face me? What if... he can never forgive me?" Jen asked Alice worriedly.

They are on the school's rooftop waiting for Edison, Randy and Alvin. The past lovebirds' friends decided to help them fix their problem. They want the two ex lovers to talk, apologize to each others and maybe, give their love story a second chance.

My Sweetest KarmaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora