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You went numb and rushed to Ajey's room. Slammed the door and sat on bed. On the side table, you noticed a note left by Ajey for you. You opened it and started to read. The note said: 

Dear Rose, 

These few days were the best days of my life because I met you. I 'll never regret even a moment I spend with you. From our first meet to our first kiss, everything is so special to me. I started to fall for you  from the very first day when you bumped into me. Don't know if we came close because of that accident but it's the best thing ever happened. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even had time to think over it once.

 You asked me yesterday, if we are just friends? I didn't had an answer, to be honest. Rose, I really like you but I don't think I love you and not at this time because I've to focus on my career now. I'm not ready to be in relationship again. I wanted to tell you all this by myself but I can't face you. Whatever happened between us, last night, was just a mistake. We both were not in our senses. I want to remind you, please forget it all. It was just an accident. 

I'm sorry I can't be yours. I hope you'll understand. Don't try to contact me. 

Love, Ajey

You went blank after reading the letter. You couldn't believe that you were just pass time for Ajey. You started to feel his touch all over you. Echoes of his voice and his laugh were running inside your mind. You were heartbroken. You left his room and ran to your room, locked the door and sat on the floor with head in your hands, crying and screaming.

 You left his room and ran to your room, locked the door and sat on the floor with head in your hands, crying and screaming

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You started to feel unloved and unhappy again. You were screaming and breaking stuff. Your Mom heard this. She banged on the door and requested you to open the door but you weren't responding. 

Mom: Rose what happened baby, Open the door please. [sobbing]

Rose: Just leave me alone Mom, Just go [crying]

Mom: I'm sorry baby for that day but please open the door. I beg you. [still sobbing]

You got up and opened the door and sat on the bed. You were breathless. Your Mom gave you inhaler. You used that. She hugged you tight then asked you what's the matter. You were numb and kept mumbling just one sentence that "He was never mine". You kept on repeating this sentence under your breath. 

Mom: who? Rose, Who was never yours?

Rose: Ajey I want you! [you screamed] 

Mom: What? But...But he's gone. What happened hon? 

You narrated the whole incident that happened between you and Ajey. You broke into tears. Your Mom was trying to console you. You felt your life breaking again. You felt your world crumbling into pieces and so was your faith. And the hours pass by. Now you just wanted to be alone. You went home with your Mom. Started to remember every moment you spent with him and felt so alone again.

Days passed, You started taking depression pills and used to stay in your room always. You used to talk less to your Mom too. Mom was worried 'bout you. She was worried if you'll take wrong steps then she might lose you. Sometime you used to cry louder, screaming Ajey's name. The screaming and crying was worthless but still you did because you loved him with all your heart. 

Mom: Rose, It's been a month. I know you can't but at least try to move on. 

Rose: I can't Mom. I see him everywhere. I get hallucinations of him. 

Mom: I understand honey, but now you've lost him. You have to move on and be happy again. 

Rose: No Mom.... He wasn't MINE to LOSE. No.... He was never mine. NEVER!

It was midnight. Your eyes were wide open. You couldn't sleep. You went near vanity table and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your skin was pale. Your eyes were red. You had dark circles. You took a flower vase and slammed it on the mirror in anger. The mirror broke. Your mom heard this, she came running. You took a broken piece of mirror and made cuts on your hand.

 You took a broken piece of mirror and made cuts on your hand

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Your Mom screamed. She rushed to you and snatched the mirror piece from your hand and slapped you. You were still and unconscious. She hugged you and made you sit on the bed. She applied bandages to your wound. 

Mom: I'm tired of your drama Rose. I'm fed of all this nonsense now. You have to believe the fact that he left you and get over it. 

Rose: I want him. I want him. I fuckin' want him! [screamed]

Mom: Shut up Rose. Just shut up. He left you and he's not coming back to you. Stop this drama now. 

Rose: Mom I'm an actress but trust me....I can't fake my feelings and tears. [crying] 

Mom: I know honey I know, I'm just scared that I might lose you. I want you to have a good life. I want you see smiling again. Trust me Rose, only I can help you now. You need to fight back right? 

Rose: I trust you. 

Mom: Then will you do as I say?

Rose: Yes Mom I will, If that's what makes you happy then I will. [weak smile]

Mom: Get married then. Only this is the way to get over what you feel. Trust me honey I'd never want you to see hurting. 

Rose: Okay Mom, I will. 

You give a weak smile and you hug your Mom tight. Then you two sleep.

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