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|Chapter 3: Alone in the Dorm|

"Does everybody have everything— masks, bags, money—am I missing anything else?" Namjoon asked.

For a solid hour, the members lounged about.

Waiting for time to pass by, the group listened to each title track; it was not exactly critiquing but analyzing.

They huddled in a tight circle surrounding Yoongi's computer, though the gesture was uneeded, seeing that there were speakers blasting music.

Deciding the tracks were worthy, getting dress became a top priority.

Oddly, Jimin began to sing 'Blood Sweat and Tears'; opera version, apparently. Soon enough, booming footsteps shook the wooden floors as each member joined his chaos. Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, and Jungkook's vocals were bearable. However, Namjoon's and J-Hope's.... were horrible.

Yoongi sat in the corner of their practice room with bleeding eardrums. As nonchalant as the older rapper was, his patience wore thin, making him speak.

"You're hurting my damn eardrums, first of all," He voiced, annoyance turning his cat-like eyes into slits.

Despite his voice being above a whisper, the tone made each member silence their shenanigans.

"Secondly," he sighed, glancing at his watch.

"It's 15 til 1."

On that note, everybody ran out of the bathroom; struggling to put clothes and shoes on.

Jungkook and Taehyung nearly tumbled to the ground on their way to the kitchen for snacks. Though, the reason for their first instinct being food is completely unknown to their friends. The odd decision made Yoongi lift a thin eyebrow in utter confusion.

Namjoon and Jin slipped on the floor that seemed to be completely drenched with liquid as they readily prepared to enjoy their off day.

Jimin, of course, appeared to be unsure of his band mates' actions, however, a few moments of silence passed which gave the short male ran enough time for his thoughts to process. In turn, causing him to run frantically too.

J-Hope and Yoongi sat and watched as their members made fools of themselves. J-Hope was sitting right next to Yoongi on the small couch in the living room and although there were plenty of places to sit, he felt like sitting next to the silent male.

Yoongi, on the other hand, sat in a panicked daze. Lately, his interactions with Hosoek were short and rushed. Almost as if the male were purposefully avoiding contact with the rapper at all. Having him so close caused his heart rate to spike and his pale hands to sweat profoundly.

But why?

He tried scooting over but it seemed like every time he did, Hobi would magically appear next to him. They were usually close, but never this close. He could hear his heart beating faster and faster by the minute - it was frustrating. What made it worse is when J-Hope began to softly whisper into his ear.

"Hey, hyung, what should we do when they leave? I mean, they'll probably be gone for a while and we can't sleep the entire time." J-Hope mumbled playfully, though there was a nervousness hidden beneath the surface.

'Who couldn't sleep for the entire time?'

Yoongi wondered.

He could sleep for an entire day; maybe two, depending on how he felt. It wasn't that he was always exhausted, sometimes, more often than not, slumber was the only time where his mind would stop its incessant whispers. So, when sleep was offered, Yoongi took it gratefully. Unbeknownst to Yoongi, Hobi watched him from his peripheral; conflicted while his friend thought about nothing more than sleep.

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