Chapter 12: Shadow -The Greatest Poison There Is

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A/N: Bet y'all saw this coming. ;) Yeeeeaaaah. Still waiting for a few opinions on the lethal message. XDD BTW, romance ain't my thing XP. I appearantly write it good and such, but i take forever, cuz i hate warm and fuzzy feelings. XD Haha, i ain't no normal girl. Hahahahahaha!! 

OOOO!! And I added music finally. X3  I love the song, yes. I know. -.- But I sorta thought it worked with this chapter. X3

Enjoy it!!


I stood there in shock, as Camilla goes from such a perfect state, to being put into a cold sweat, struggling to maintain a heart-beat.

After she went unconscious, I did what anyone else would have on instinct. I got her to a hospital faster than I've ever gone before. Blue would have been lost in my dust.

I sat in the waiting room as they analyzed her. Just like they have for the past half hour. Blood work, scans, test beyond what anyone has ever gone through.

To be honest, I was terrified. I was terrified she wasn't going to come back. I was scared that I would lose my new, and only true friend. It's bad enough I thought I lost her just a few hours ago, to knowing I could lose her beyond her friendship. 

Every time I tried to close my eyes, and separate from what was going on here, I was just brought back. Back to how she began to shiver in such a cold sweat, with a fever on top of it all. And to how she clutched on to my hand, in such an obvious pain within. And to also how she looked beyond my eyes, digging into my soul, as she lost her fight with consciousness. 

I sat in the cool leather chairs of the waiting room, listening to the quiet songs on the intercom, until a doctor or nurse would call, and as the call would end, the music would continue, as if there was no interruption at all.

I looked out the window to the rising moon. 11pm... I try to close my eyes again, to regenerate any energy possible.

The way her head fell into my arms as I picked her up, holding her tight, about to give my all for this race. Her head rested against my chest as I open the door, taking us to the starting point of the race. A race to maintain the life that rests in my arms.

My eyes jolt open. Give up. I am not getting to sleep tonight, or probably for a long time...


I perk my ears up to have me look up at a nurse.

"You've been here for quite a while." She smiles.

"No kidding." My ears remain dropped down, and my head rests in my hands.

"Well, we've got Camilla stable, but she's yet to regain consciousness." 

I let out a slow breath I've been holding the entire time. "Thank the dragons." I feel an internal smile crawl around inside, know how they arn't just a myth. All because of Cam...

Falling Forever... (Shadow the Hedgehog FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon