Im Not Dead...Yet.

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"Oh Meredith, I'm not Derek." Holly stepped out of the dark, but this time she had a guest.
"You look better Meredith." Holly said.
"Yeah not thanks to you." Mer replied in a rude tone.
"Shut up!"
Holly knocked Mer out. Throwing punches and blows at her. Holly wasn't the only one. Her friend also.
They kept hurting her, but Mer was in a sound proof room. No one could hear anything.

"Please stop." Meredith said.
"Why? Cause you have kids?
The other person spoke up.
"Because you have the perfect life? With your Mcdreamy and your Mckids?"
They continued to hurt Mer.
This time they didn't break her arms or legs.
They broke a few more ribs. They did break her jaw... again. Left her with a swollen body. And who knows how many future surgeries.
Mer thought to herself while they continued kicking and slamming her.
"You're not dead. You are breathing and your heart is beating. Your not dead because you can feel your pulse. That means your heart is beating meaning you are not dead." She told herself.
Mer continued to think this way until she was too hurt to move.
As Holly and her friend left, she heard her say..
"Thanks for the help again.....Finn."

To be continued......
Dun dun dunnnnn. Lol. Sorry It's short. I will update in a bit.

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